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"You are taking awfully long," I whined as my parents changed. I was dying to meet my mate and what do they do?! They act like it is nothing. 

"Calm down! He want evaporate into thin air," my dad said.

"But papa!" I said. I missed my mate and they weren't appreciating it. My mother looked at him and said, "The girl is eager. Let her be! You were worse yourself."

My dad rolled his eyes as he wore his shoes and mom applied her make up. I crossed my arms waiting for them to be done, "I should have went with Daniel. I knew that this will happen."

"Then why didn't you?!" Dad said jokingly. I huffed and looked at them. "Can you just hurry?!"

Thankfully after ten minutes, they were done and we were in the car. I said that it would take two hours. It took three. Three hours away from my mate!!!!

It was a twenty minutes drive and the entire way my mom and dad were talking. They kept telling me stuff about this relationship. They kept telling me that I was excited and that was good but I should take things a little more easy.

"You know, I really appreciate how Daniel is treating you despite the stuff that is going on. He is the king and you're a normal girl. I am glad he is not going all alpha," Mom said.

"You know she is not exactly 'a normal girl'," dad whispered.

"What?!" I asked looking at them with wide eyes. Dad looked at me and mom glared at him. She kept a calm face and wore a smile before she said, "It is nothing sweetheart! Nothing to worry about for now at least."

"Mom!" I said.

"Okay, fine! I will tell you but not now. I planned on telling you today along with Daniel's family anyway. I know that you will need support anyway," She said and I sighed.

"Fine!" I huffed. I was nervous and anxious. I didn't know what they were hiding and they weren't even helping. I hated that. It was the worst thing anyone can do. Leave someone like that. I wasn't a normal girl? Then what am I?!

The rest of the ride was thankfully silent leaving me to my thoughts and the view. The trees kept passing by me. I smiled as I saw the house in my view. I jumped out of the car and knocked on the door.

"I will get the door!" I heard my favourite voice saying. I grinned wiating for him to open the door. I wasn't the only eager person. I was really excited.

"Finally took you long enough! Next time I am taking you," Daniel said as soon as he saw me and the next thing I know I was in his arms, my favourite place.

"That's great cause that's what I said," I said and hugged him back.

"What have you done to me, Leah?! I missed you already," He said and I couldn't help but smile and hug him tighter. I was really lucky to have him and day by day I was getting luckier.

I smiled and pulled back. He looked at my parents with a smile. "Hello, Mr and Mrs. Forrester!"

"Hey, Daniel!" Mom said with a cheeky grin which I was so happy to see. I was really happy because they liked Daniel and treated him as one of us. I really appreciated that. Dad was protective, but he didn't try to seperate us.

Dad smiled as he saw me smiling. I really appreciated him so much. I have to thank him. I knew how hard it was for him to see me grow and find myself a man. He always says that I was his own princess.

"Layla!" Daniel's mom, Katherine said and I smiled.

"Katherine," Mom said as she hugged her. Dad hand shook Daniel's dad with a smile.

"So... Lunch is ready! Let's go!" Katherine said with a wide grin. We all nodded and went in. The table was circular and I sat with Daniel on one side and my mom on the other who had dad next to her.

I smiled at dad when he looked at me and started eating. My dad and his dad got into some kind of a business conversation while our moms started talking about our wedding and how cute we were together and when they changed conversations they went to talk about shopping.

"By the way, um.... Leah, Daniel, I have to tell you something and that may make a huge plot twist in your relationship," My mom said and I immediately remembered what they said in the car. I sighed and I felt Daniel take hold of my hand. He smiled at me and then said, "yes?!"

"Come here!" Mom said as she finished eating and went to the living room. Daniel walked with me there. His hands was holding mine tightly.

"Daniel, do you love my daughter?!" My mother asked. Daniel looked at me and then said, "more than I can say."

"Do you swear to stay by her no matter what?!" My mom asked and he nodded.

"Protect her?!" Again he nodded.

"Leah, I didn't mean to hide this from you, and I wish you never hate me because of it. I love you so much, sweetheart, and that is why our kept it a secret from you," She said with a look full of sadness and concern.

"Am I dying?!" I asked and she shook her head.

"You're not dying, Leah. As your father said, you are more than  just a normal girl. Leah, there is more to you than you know, more than I told you," She said. She took a deep breath and then continued, "Don't hate me for hiding this. I didn't mean to make you like this but I had no choice! I didn't know that it will effect."

"What is it mom?! I am anxious!" I said holding Daniel's hand tighter.

"Leah, you are the last gold blooded white witch."

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