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"Alyssa, hun you have to wake up" my mom spoke while shaking me violently.

I turned on my right side. "5 more minutes mom"

"Alyssa its 10 o'clock on a school day. You better get up out of this bed and get to school. Cause I'm not calling you in sick." She spoke as she walked out of the room.


I got up put my hair in a messy bun. Then threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Once I was done with everything I walked out to my car and drove to school.


This is the day I've been regretting. Seeing him. I so didn't want to see him because if I told him what happened the other night, there would be a huge chance I'd never see him again.

My next class I had with Alex. And maybe if I told him what happened, he would understand?

The bell rings and I start walking to my next class. Then I see him.


The person I was trying so hard to avoid.

"Hey babe" he says as he wraps his arms around my waist

"Hey!" Was all I managed to let out

"Where did you go after the party? I was looking all around and could-"


"Uh yeah I have to talk to my teacher about an assignment. Talk to you later, bye!" I turn around and walk to my next class.

I didn't even turn around to see his face, cause I knew exactly what it looked like. It was the 'what the hell' face.

I walk into Chemistry the class I have with Alex. Once I see him I run up to him.


"Hey Alyssa. Why are you breathing so heavy? What's wrong?!"

"Uh yeah about that I need to tell you something and it's something you can't tell Austin."

"Uh okay? What is it?" He said while talking a seat

I sit right beside him. " so you know that party you had Friday?"

"Yeah why?" He ask while giving me a weird look

"Well I did something really bad. Something I wish I could take back..." I said trailing off

"Alyssa tell me!"

"I slept with somebody."

Dead silent broke through the room. Not long before the teacher walked in. Mrs.Davis.

"Alyssa I'm going to need you to move back to your assigned seat."

Ugh. I got up and manage to sit in my assigned seat which is on the other side in the room. It's the last row and the second seat back, by a bunch if weirdos.

Once I move I can feel a pair of eyes watching me. I look back to see Alex giving me a disappointed look.

Class was finally over. And I didn't exactly know what I was going to do for lunch. Cause I usually sit with Austin and them. But that would be awkward.

But before I could find somewhere I could sit. I was stopped. I turn around to see Alex. Damn.

He pulled me to the side. "Who was it? Who was it you slept with?"

I looked down "Cayden. It was Cayden."


A/N did you expect that it was Cayden?

This chapter was kinda confusing ill clear up the confusion next chapter.

Also sorry for such a shortchapter.

Thanks for reading (:

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