Moving Day

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I woke up to very loud noises. So I got up put my hair in a messy bun, then put on some sweats and a tank top. since I wasn't going to school today cause, today was the day we going move to Miami.

But before I started helping my family pack up the movie truck I got in my car and drove to Mackenzie's house. I knew she wouldn't be at school yet cause she always comes in late.

When I get their I put in her house key that she gave me. And the house is quiet and vacant. Good. She's still sleeping. So I decide that I would go get some shaving creme and put it on the outline of her face. When we did sleepovers we always did stuff like this.

After I put it all over her face I quickly go downstairs and get a two pans from the kitchen and run back upstairs. A couple seconds later I bang the two pans together creating a loud obnoxious noise. It didn't take her long to freak the hell out and jump out of bed. Then she got pissed cause I woke her up from her precious sleep. She'll get over it.

After she noticed the shaving creme on her face she took some off of her face and threw it at me. Oh it's on. So I pick up the whole bottle and spray it all over her and we had a major shaving creme war. After about twenty minutes of nonstop fun, we sat on her bed laughing. Then we started talking about all the childhood memories and basically our whole entire life's together.

"I'm going to miss you so much. Who will I do this with now?" She said referring to the shaving creme.

"You can do it with....Cody" right after I said that a gave her a wink and soon we both doubled over in laughter.

We did a lot of things we used to do, like paint our nails gossip and normal teenage girl stuff. But after about four and a half hours of doing a bunch of different things, it was defiantly time for me to go. Cause I already knew I'd probably get in trouble for not helping. Plus I didn't want Mackenzie to get in trouble for not going to school.

So we both walked downstairs to her front door and both started crying.

She started walking towards me and gave me a big hug and said "I don't know what I'm going to do with out my big teddy bear"

"Awe Mack don't be like that you always know you can call me. I'm just one phone call away."

We both said our goodbyes and I was off to my new life, new school and new people.


After I got home I pack my things into the moving truck. Then, Mom, Dylan, Keana and I were off to the airport. Dad stayed with the movers so they could find our house. It was a two and a half hour flight. Which in all honestly wasn't bad.


We just landed and it's about 9 o'clock EST. Once we landed we got a cab to go to our hotel for the night. When we got their I sat on the bed and just started to think. Tomorrows the big day I thought. A new beginning, new everything. I mean that's good right? I just hope I can see Austin soon. I miss hanging out with him. As soon as I knew it I was fast asleep.


Today's the day. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. Excited to see the new house. Nervous to start my whole life over again.

It was about 11 and we were checking out of the hotel. We decided to grab some lunch and waste a little time before the movers got here. So we a found Subway, and decided that's what we want. After we ordered I went to find a seat until I saw someone I'd recognized. Scratch that. People I've seen before. I've never met them in person, but I've seen them over the Internet and with Austin.

It was the Crew minus Austin. I'm actually surprised they aren't getting mobbed right now. I want to go say hi to them, but I want to give them privacy. Something they don't get often. So I find a seat that's a couple tables down from them. So I sit down and wait for everyone else to find me and sit down. But before they came someone came and sat in front of me. Once I looked up from my phone I see Robert.

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him for awhile. I think he noticed, so he introduced hisself and said that he knew who I was.

Being curious I just asked questions. "Really? How do you know? Wait. Austin?"

"Yeah. Honestly you're all he talks about. And if you want to we're throwing a party later, wanna come?"

"I uh just moved her and have to unpack later. So about what time will it be?"


"Sure ill be there!"

"Okay ill just have Austin text you the address. Nice meeting you Alyssa." He walked away before I could say the same. There also looked to be two chapels on both sides. (It's like a part of a castle, you can look it up)

When you walked inside you saw the two big stair cases on both sides. Also a great big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I ran up the stairs to find the best room before anyone else could get it. I found a room that was so big you could put at least 2 bed, a couch and a bunch of other things. I walked over to the window and sat down on the ledge and look at my view. This view was amazing you could see the whole backyard, which had a pool, a basketball court and Volleyball court. Damn. This house is great. I claimed my room and walked right downstairs to see my parents talking to the movers.

"Hey dad, mom I already claimed the room when you walk up the right set of stairs, it's the second door on the right." I said walking up to them

"Okay Honey."

"I have a question. I though you said if we didn't move right away, that we'd be homeless. What happened to that?" The curiosity got the best of me. I know this probably wasn't the right time but I wanted to know.

Mom came over and pulled me aside "well you see honey, you're dad actually got a promotion. And his job wanted him to move here."

"But. you were crying when you told us? I-" I'm so confused right now. What.

"Yes those were tears of joy. If you wouldn't have stormed off we would've told you. We told your bother and sister."

"Oh. Well after I get all my stuff into my room I'm going to go to a party tonight with a friend."

"Okay, don't do anything I wouldn't do" she winked at me and walked away.

Wow nice one mom.


A/N Sorry for this boring and long chapter. It was a filler. It will pick up soon.

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Love you guys<3


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