Party time

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Austin and I had arrived at this enormously large party. We walked hand and hand up to the door. Before we even opened the door, you could already smell the boozes.

Austin turns to me and brings his face close mine. "You know you look beautiful tonight" referring to my black tight, strapless dress, with my black pumps. And my hair all curled and tied to one side.

"You don't look to bad yourself" as he was wearing the usual, Trunk Fit shirt with some skinny jeans.

He leans in and whispers in my ear, "You know we could just skip this whole thing and head back to my place." As he was looking for any sign of weakness.

"I promised Robert that I'd show up." Giving him the famous puppy dog face.

"Okay, fine." Looking unsatisfied with my answer.

"I never said we had to stay the whole time. I mean we could stay for like 10 minutes then go back to your place. But I mean if you don't wa-"

I was interrupted by a deep kiss.

"No no I like that idea."

We step inside and the aroma of the liquor fill my lungs.


"Hey Rob how's it goin?"

"Greaaaaat mannn I loooove etttt" slurring every word meaning he's had one too many shots.

"You madee ittt Alyssssa!" He said as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

"I told you I'd come!" I said truthfully

"THISSS ISS MMY SHITTT! TURRN ITT UPPP!" Throwing his hand up and walking (failing) to the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen to get some beer. I see Robert making out with some freshman, who's a slut. Should I stop him? Nah he won't remember anything tomorrow.

As I walk out as soon as Ignition by R. Kelly starts playing. I find Alex talking to some girl in my Chemistry class. So I walk up to him and ask him were Austin is. He says he doesn't know. So I ask him if he wants to dance, and he says sure. So we go into the middle of the 'dance floor' and the music takes over my body. Someone keeps giving me drinks and I down them like no tomorrow. Next thing I know I'm grinding on Alex. I mean I should feel bad right? Well at this moment in time I don't.

All of a sudden next thing I know is I'm being dragged up the stairs to a bed room.

Clothes are flying off and we're making love like no tomorrow. Then everything goes black....


I wake up the next morning with the worst headache ever. I start to sit up "oh my god bad idea."

"Mom two more minutes"


I fall out of bed, the I realize that I've got no clothes on.
"What happened last night. I'm so screwed."

"That's an easy question. We fucked."

The two words I wished I'd never had heard come out of his mouth.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I run around the room putting on my clothes, before I left the room I had one last thing to say.

"Austin can't find out about this! Okay?"

Thanks so much for over 1K reads. I honestly never would've though it would get that many reads.

Sorry for the late update I've been really busy.

This chapter was kind of rushed, and There will probably be spelling errors...

Don't forget to Comment and vote!!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks again

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