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As I was walking down the street I started to over-think. Was I to hard on him? Should I go back and apologize? What will happen on Monday when I see him again? What will he do? All of a sudden I bumped into something, someone. And pizza went all over the place.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorr-" I started to say until I was interrupted

"No need to be sorry it's fine, I don't really need it anyway." Stated the brown haired green eyed person

"I'm going to go buy you another pizza, since I kinda ruined it." I said sincerely

"Oh, no it's-"

"It's my treat, since it was my fault."

After I bought him his pizza, we decided to sit down and chat.

"I would like to get to more about you." His voice sent chills down my spine

"Well my name is Alyssa, I go to Mountain Ridge High and I'm a Junior. What about you?"

"Nice to meet you Alyssa. I'm Austin Mahone."

You might be asking 'why are you acting so chill?' Well I'm not. Actually my palms are sweating, my leg won't stop shaking and I'm siting in front of my idol. LIKE IM MENTALLY SCREAMING AND CRYING. Anyways back to the convo.

"I know who you are!"

"Oh really? Are you one of my Mahomies?"

"Yes! I am. I have been since 2011. And I've never actually met you since tonight."

"Really? That's great! I love getting to meet my Mahomies. They will never understand how much they mean to me."

"And you will never know how many lives you've saved. How many people you've inspired. And how much we love you."

"Well it's always good to know I've made my mark on people's lives. I love making people smile and to make them happy!"


A few hours passed and i started to get hungry again, you might be asking ' damn you're hungry again?' Hell yes! I eat a lotttttt!

"Austin, do you mind if i get us a Pizza?" I said hearing my growling stomach

"Actually i do, you sit down and i'll get it. What kind do you want?"

"Cheese" We both said together


After he got the pizza, we started to really connect with each other. We talked about our favorite places, things and colors. His next question caught me by surprise.

"Did your boyfriend drop you off? Should i get you home?"

"I don't have a boyfriend" i stated while trying to hold back tears.

"How does a stunning and wise girl like you not have a boyfriend?"

"I don't know. i really don't. Can we not talk about this?"

"Yeah, yeah sure" Clearly seeing that i was upset


About an hour passed by and we're now talking about our personal life's and it honesty feels like i've know this kid forever. People don't know how sweet and understanding he is. His next question hit me hard.

"So how did you get here?"

By the time he asked me that, I never knew that since we've been talking it'd been pouring down rain.

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