Why Me

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"I waited for you all night ,and you didn't come home. Come here babe let me show you what you've missed"

My heart dropped. Why. Why me. What did I ever do. Do I deserve this... Is this what I need to start getting used to? I don't know what to do. I'm speechless. Should I run, or should I stay an get what I deserve..... I think this is my destiny....

Its Jackson.

"Jackson. Why are you still here?" Trying to not to think of what's going to happen next

"I was worried about you, babe. I went looking for you and couldn't find you And when you didn't come home I decided to stay the night." He said inching closer to me by the second

Now his chest was to my chest and he pushed my back to the door.

"Babe who was the guy you were talking to? Why did you kiss him?"

"Why do you need to know? First off, stop calling me babe. I not your babe. Second, WHY DO YOU CARE! YOU NEVER LOVED ME"

"Oh really? I well let me remind you of why you stayed with me"

Scared for my life I started screaming. But as soon as I started he covered my mouth with his shirt. The last thing I could remember was me being smacked around.


"HELLO EARTH TO ALYSSA!" Screamed someone

"Who are you?"

"I'm your sister, Keana... Alyssa are you okay?"

"What happened?" I moaned while rubbing my temple

"You had been beaten and knocked unconscious. Dylan drove you to the emergency room. You've been in here for 3 days."

"Who did this to me?"

"Can we not talk about this right now, Alyssa. You need to relax and get some much needed sleep."

"But I need to know who it was"

"One thing we know for sure is that it was a male. Some people think it was the guy across the street and some think it's Austin... But why would Austin do that to you? He doesn't even know you exist..."

Austin.... Austin..... His name traveled through my mind like no other.. Why would he... How could he.... I trusted him.... But why would he want to hurt me... Hmmm. This doesn't add up.

"Keana, who do you think it was?"

"For one I don't think it was Austin. It was probably Jackson"

"Jackson. Why was he at the house? Why would he do this to me?"

"I don't know but we will figure this out later. You need sleep."

I was hoping this was all a dream, but it's not. After being in the hospital for two more days I finally got discharged from the hospital.

Ever since the night I met Austin, I haven't talked to him or seen him. And I don't know if I ever want to talk to him again...

Tomorrow is Monday which means school. Oh well this is going to be amazing. Cause everyone thinks that everything that happened to me was just an act of attention. And it's Monday, i mean who likes Monday's anyway. The only good thing is i get to see Mackinzie, who i havent seen in a week.

I heard some people talking downstairs. As i started to walk down the stairs i saw a man in a suit talking to my parents. They were really talking about something important. As the guy left they were talking.

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