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I woke up to some big banging sounds outside my room. What The Fuck ?
I just started to go back to bed, when the sound started again... What is that?!

I got up and opened my door, it was silent. I walked downstairs and there was no one there... Am I dreaming? Whatever the noise was it stopped. So I went up the stairs, and it sounded like it was coming from my room...

I get in my room and the noise gets louder. I look everywhere nothing was making that noise. Finally I get to the window. Someone was throwing rocks at my window!
Really? I hope whoever it is won't be alive for long cause they woke me up. And everyone knows not to wake me up.

I open my window to see the guy I never thought I would see..


And apparently he didn't see me open the window, and he threw the rock and it hit me right in the nose. All I heard was a pop, and everything went black..

*Austin's POV*

Ever since she told me never talk or see her again, I couldn't stop thinking of what exactly I'd done. And since i'll be leaving tomorrow to go work in the studio and she will be moving tomorrow too, I thought I should talk to her about it today

I couldn't even sleep last night. I looked at my locked screen and it said 6:30. I decided to get up and get ready to go over to her house.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and my red and black zebra stripped trunkfit crew neck. Also I decided to grabbed my all red Nike's at the top of my closet.

Once I got changed, and left a note to the boys that I had business to take care of I left.

It was only a 20 minute drive to her house. When I got their I didn't know how to wake her up. So I walked to her window and grabbed a couple of rocks. I started to throw them at the window and after maybe 6 minutes of throwing them, I grabbed the last rock and threw it. And when I looked up I saw Alyssa.

Oh shit. Did I just hit Alyssa with the rock? This didn't turn out like I thought.

I climbed up the tree that lead to her balcony and climbed in the window I threw the rocks at. When I got in I found Alyssa on the floor and her nose bleeding terribly bad.

"Alyssa!" I yelled "Are you okay?"

No response

"ALYSSA ! " I started to shake her

Then after a few minutes she came back.

"What happened? Why is my nose bleeding? And Austin what are you doing in my bedroom?" She sat up while cupping her nose

"I accidentally threw a rock at your nose. And I came up here to check on you." I stated while helping her up

"Okay, well why did you come here in the first place?" She put a towel on her nose to stop the bloody nose

"To talk to you." I said while sitting down on her bed

Her nose stopped bleeding and she came and sat next to me.

"I have something to talk to you about too." She said while looking down at her lap

"What is it?"

"Uhm I'm sorry for everything I said Austin. You didn't do anything. And I honestly feel terrible about it. It's just that I've been through A LOT these past few weeks and -" she bursted into tears

"Shhhhh" I scooted closer to her and started to rub her back.

"I understand Alyssa. I really do. Everyone goes through things that no one knows." I lifted up her chin so we made eye contact

"And you Alyssa, have been through a lot. You're one of the most strongest people I've ever met. Don't ever let someone else think you're not"

She stared into my eyes for the longest time. Comprehending what I just told her. Then she spoke.

"Austin. Thank you. This is exactly what I needed, you always know the right thing to say" she rapped her hands around my back and have me a hug.


"Hmmm" she mumbled with her head in my neck

"Do you want to catch a movie later?" I asked

"Yeah sure! What time?"

"Is nine okay?"


"Okay I'll be here to pick you up at 8:30, wear something nice" I started out the door and out the front day to my car.

*Alyssa's POV*

I'm relieved that Austin came over and everything is okay now.

Its been 5 hours since he's left, and it has really got me to thinking..

Does he do this to every girl? Why does he choose me out of everyone else?

But honestly it really doesn't matter. It's about 6, that means I should probably get ready.

I go to my closet and pick out and red strapless tight dress. Then I find my red pumps and put them on. After about 30 minutes I get all my makeup and hair done, and it's only 6:45. I still have an hour and fifteen minutes... Hmmm.

So I pick up my phone and log in to twitter. The first think I see is "Is Austin and Alyssa dating?" And I was about to reply, but I saw a response that said "No, he wouldn't ever date a stuck up preppy bitch. God I hate her😑."

Is that really what people think I am? A stuck up preppy bitch?

And for a whole hour I was looking at every tweet about me and Austin. There were some mean tweet, but there were also some really nice ones like "Guys who cares about who he dates, as long as she treats him well and he loves her that's all that matters." But we weren't even dating...

Did he really love me that much that, to ask me to be his girlfriend?

All of a sudden I hear the door bell ring. I walked downstairs to see Cayden.


A/N: sorry for the boring chapter I've been really busy lately. Anyways tell me what you think of it!

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