Chapter twenty six

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A/n: aight ya'll we need a ship name for Paul and Carl. Any ideas?

Also, sorry for the filler chapter, lol the next one will be better, but I have no idea what to do next, so i'm going to wing it.

Honestly, I never thought i'd get this far, I thought I would quit before I even published chapter one. Anyways, enjoy loves 😘

Paul and Carl drove back to the police station.

They were trying to figure out what to do with the maniac in the back seat of their police car.

Andrew was drunk in the back seat screaming curses to the police officers that he would escape.

They ignored him and continued to have a conversation.

"So Carl, what did you do today?" Paul asked, already dreading the answer.

"Hm. Well, I was upstairs in my room reading a book."

"Mhm" Paul said, looking skeptical.

"I went to the park and saw a nice old lady feeding birds."

"Go on."

"And, I killed a few of them."


"What?" My tummy was making the rumblies."


"The rumblies only raw bird meat could satisfy."

"You ate them raw?"

"I was hungry."

"You're sick" Andrew said, jumping in on the conversation.

"Pfft, your one to talk." Paul said, rolling his eyes, adjusting his flower hat.

"But that's just gross" Andrew said, disgusted.

"You know what's gross? Your attitude."

Andrew started screeching out drunk slurs and curses at the officers again.

"I'm going to kill you" Andrew slurred.

"Why would you ever do that? What sick person has ever even thought of killing anyone before?" Carl asked, looking over to Paul.

"Clearly this guy." Paul said as if it was obvious as they pulled into the police station.

(A/n: I have no idea how police stations work, so, if this is not how a real thing would go, then i'm sorry don't kill me please ;v;)

"Yo, cop peeps!" Carl yelled. "We have an abusive husband and father over here. Lock him up."

(A/n: welp, I tried lol)

"Woah woah, Wait Carl, slow down, you sound like James Charles, talk a little slower." A police officer from behind the front desk, Tiffany said with an eye roll.

Carl scoffed. "How dare you-"

"Yeah yeah, what do you need?" She asked with yet another eye roll.

"Alright Tiff, we got this guy, Andrew I think his name was, he is under arrest for abuse." Paul explained as best as he could.

"Alright P, first of all, I told you already, don't call me Tiff." Tiffany said, growling at Paul.

"But why can you call me P after i've asked you not to?" Paul asked.

"Because. one, I don't care about your feelings" Tiffany smirked.

Paul pouted.

"Two, you're weak and can't fight me so I can call you whatever I want and honestly, who ever listens to you?"

Paul glared at his friend.

"And number three? You're a short smol bean, so..."

"I'm one inch shorter than you!"

"Can't find the part of me that's supposed to care" She shrugged.

Paul groaned. "Alright alright, fine. But seriously, what should we do about him?"

"Lock him up for tonight I guess, Lucia I think her name was came over here millions of times telling us about this nut job, right? So why hasn't he been to jail more than this?" Tiffany asked.

"Because nobody believed her." Carl said.

"Really?" Tiffany asked with a facepalm. "And why?"

"Because Andrew covered his tracks and seemed to not be someone who'd be a sociopathic killer." Paul said.

"Ugh, this is why I should be the one dealing with all the people who come in here." Tiffany muttered. "Did anyone ever actually investigate or did they just believe Andrew over Lucia just because of stupid reasons?" She asked.

"The second one" Paul responded.

"All of you should be fired, we need a better police force" she sighed out, and said "alright boys, lock this nut bag up until we can gather further evidence of what you claim he is."

"Also, he looks pretty drunk so be careful, but in all honesty I wouldn't really mind seeing you cowards get sacked in the face by a wild drunk man. I would laugh before I helped you, if I helped you at all. Welp, have fun with him." Tiffany said, doing a two fingered salute, before walking away to get a coffee from the coffee machine.

"Woman." Carl muttered.

"Tell me about it." Paul chuckled, bringing Andrew to a cell and locking him up, then walking towards the direction Tiffany went to get a coffee.

Carl followed to stalk, of course, and Andrew fell over and passed out drunk.

A/n: so what do you think? Want more of Paul, Carl, and Tiffany?

I have no idea what i'm doing with my life anymore.

Anyways, I should go work on the next chapter, bye loves!

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