Chapter 67

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FP ignored Alice's calls and only answered to a few of her texts so she wouldn't be freaking about him, whether he was or not ok. At some point FP thought that maybe he was a little overreacting, but thinking that Alice didn't trust him felt like a stab in the chest for him.

So until they started filming again FP and Alice hadn't seen each other and by the time Alice arrived on set she received some texts from Hermione and most of them were links to websites that posted theories about how her relationship with FP was. It had always been kind of amusing to Alice the stupidities sites would write about the status of celebrities' lives without having a clue of what was going on and the way they would just make up things and sources.

Alice eventually opened one of them just to see what people were capable of before she went to FP's trailer.

Alice eventually opened one of them just to see what people were capable of before she went to FP's trailer

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Alice didn't even finish the whole article. She just turned off her phone and made her way to FP's trailer. Alice didn't bother knocking and when she stepped inside FP looked up from where he was standing on the couch. He had his glasses on and a book in his hands. "FP."

"Alice." FP took off his glasses and placed them on the small coffee table in front of him along with the book. "Do you want to accuse me of cheating again?" FP asked and Alice looked away from him for a second.

"I told you and I'll tell you again, I'm so so sorry about it." Alice stepped closer to FP so she was standing in front of him. "I made a mistake and I shouldn't have suspected you of cheating."

"Yes, you shouldn't have." FP stood up and walked closer to her. "I told you I wouldn't do anything to hurt, but you still thought I cheated on you."

"You've cheated before and how was I supposed to know you didn't without asking yo-"

"By trusting me that I wouldn't do such thing." FP cut off Alice and there was silence between the two of them for a few short seconds.

"I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, but all the good people I had in my life except Hermione left me, whether they wanted or not." Alice swallowed the lump on her throat before she continued because FP didn't seem like he was going to interrupt her. "My mother was barely even there, my father doesn't want anything to do with me, Betty and Polly were taken away from me way too soon and the last man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with left without a word. So I have real big abandonment issues and daddy issues and everything that ends with issues, but I need to know if you'll be there with me through those or you'll take off like now."

FP closed the distance between them by placing his hands on Alice's arms and slowly moving them up and down. "I will." It still didn't make FP all better but he wasn't the only one feeling bad after what happened so he stopped being an ass about it. "I won't leave like this anymore Alice because I love you, but this wasn't that easy to handle you know?"

"I know, but next time we fight or something just lock yourself or me in the bedroom, but make sure you're always on the other side, just a step away." Alice smiled slightly when FP pulled her into a hug. "Home sweet home."

FP chuckled and held Alice even tighter. He didn't really think about all the issues Alice had because most of the time they were together she was happy, but every once in a while he needed to be reminded of all the horrible things she's been through and how a simple place or smell could remind her of what happened before and ruin her whole mood for a while. "Did you see the articles?"

"Yes."  Alice nodded and let out a sigh. "I know it is their job to write this stuff, but is so wrong."

"Let's prove them how wrong they are." FP smirked as Alice leaned back to look at him. "Hermione set up for both of us to go on Fallon's show."

"When?" Alice asked raising her eyebrows because she didn't know.

"No idea, she wanted me to tell you but we had this bump on the road so I postponed it a bit."

"Then I'll talk to her and we'll do it."

Complications // A Falice storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя