Chapter 2

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The next day was a full day for the cast and crew of 'Justice'. They were a couple of episodes away from the end of the season and they already started talking about the next one. Fortunately Alice overhead FP talking to his agent and she was thrilled to hear that FP's contract was renewed and he was going to stay with them for the next two seasons at least.

They finished filming around three in the morning and were supposed to start filming again around eight, but they decided to take a little break and start getting ready to film around twelve.

Alice was walking to her trailer with her arms wrapped around herself. She just wanted to get into her trailer and throw herself on the bed, but she didn't get the chance to.

Someone grabbed Alice by her arm and she knew exactly who they were. FP pulled Alice inside of his trailer and the moment he let go of her Alice slapped his arm. "What was that for?"

"For scaring me to death." Alice let out a breath and rolled her eyes. "Why am I here?" She asked FP while she slowly moved away from him.

"I thought we could spend some time together." FP said smiling and Alice shook her head. He knew it wasn't going to be that easy, but he already kissed her and FP was sure she was falling for him the same way he was falling for her. "Why not?"

"Because it's three in the morning and you-" Alice pressed her index finger against FP's chest. "-are married."

"What? Are you afraid that you're not gonna be able to keep your hands off me?" FP asked very cocky and Alice shook her head in what should've been disappointment, but a smile started to form on her face.

Alice had no idea how FP managed to have that effect on her and she hated it as much as she loved it. "You're not that irresistible."

"Should I make you some coffee?" FP asked knowing Alice loved it and they were both tired and they had two ways of spending the time until they had to film again, they could either stay there and talk to each other or they could sleep.

"No." Alice sighed and let herself fall on the couch. FP sat down next to her as Alice brought her knees to her chest and looked at him. "The girls are coming here around eight."

"That's great." FP smiled knowing how happy she always was when she had her daughters around.  "Do you have any plans?"

"Not really, but I promised them we would have fun." Alice said trying to find something that they could do together and enjoy, make the girls happy because she couldn't spend as much time with her as she wanted.

"Why don't I get Jughead, I can also call Fred and Hermione and we can all go for a few hours to the fun park." FP suggested and Alice smile became wider.

"You saved me." Alice put her feet down and wrapped her arms around FP. Normally it wouldn't feel weird, but after the kiss the other day, it wasn't the same and they couldn't go back.

"You owe me one." FP winked at Alice after they parted. "I'll meet you and the others at eight ok?"

"Yes." Alice nodded and she stood up. "I'll go and try take a nap."

"Ok." FP said to Alice and somehow she expected him to say more. Alice wasn't sure what but she wanted to hear more.

~ ~ ~

As planned they all met at eight. Luckily Fred and Hermione agreed to coming too, but Alice had a weird feeling when she saw Gladys coming their direction. "Stupid me." Alice thought as Jughead let go of his mother's hand and ran to FP to hug him. Alice should've known that Gladys was going to come too, but it slipped her mind.

"What's going on?" Hermione nudged Alice when she started staring at Gladys who went to kiss FP.

Alice turned to look at her friend and she shook her head as it was nothing, but Hermione raised her eyebrows and Alice let out a sigh. "I'll tell you later." Alice said fast and quiet before Gladys walked to where she, Hermione and Fred were. "Hi Gladys, how've you been?"

"Great." Gladys smiled as she hugged Alice. They weren't close, but they didn't hate each other...yet. "How about you?"

"Good, good." Alice slightly nodded before Gladys moved to saying 'hi' to Fred and Hermione.

"Should we go?" FP asked after a little while and the others agreed on leaving. Everyone got in their own car and they decided to meet there.

At the park the kids had the time of their lives. They played all the games there and got in as many machines as the time allowed them, but unfortunately time for them to get home arrived. Fred and Hermione stayed a little more in the park with Veronica and Archie and Gladys decided to stay more with them too, but Alice's babysitter came to get her girls who started tearing up begging their mother to stay more but Alice had to say no.

"Hey, can you give me a ride?" FP asked Alice and she nodded her head.

Despite FP's trying to make conversation on their way to the car Alice was silent. She was looking down at her feet as they walked there and her arms were wrapped around herself. As soon as they got in the car FP turned to her. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Alice slightly shook her head as she started the car, but FP didn't give up that easily.

"What's wrong Alice?" FP asked again and Alice sighed heavily. "You can tell me."

Alice knew she could and the problem wasn't that she didn't want to, but she thought it was kind of a small thing considering that FP was going through that too, although for him it was different because he had Gladys. "I just hate when the girls and I have to separate like that."

"Yeah, that's hard." FP got it then. He understood Alice, but it was part of the job.

"I told you it was nothing." Alice slightly shrugged her shoulders and pulled out of the parking lot.

"It's not nothing and you know it." FP said looking through the window at the people on the street. Parents walking around with their kids, teenagers walking in groups, couples holding hands, he always liked observing people. "It hurts, but you'll get used to it."

"I had to leave them like this ever since I had them." Alice said as she made a turn. "I'm not used to it and I'll never be. They're my babies."

"You're too good of a mother." FP said smiling and trying to make Alice feel better. And he sort of managed to. "We're done filming by six tonight, right?"

"We should be done, why?" Alice asked raising her eyebrow as she stopped at a red light.

"Let's have dinner tonight." FP suggested and Alice was about to refuse him, but he kept on talking. "I'm not actually cooking so it'll be some pizza and we can watch a movie. Cheer you up a little."

"Fine." Alice shrugged her shoulders. They spent nights like that before so it shouldn't be a problem. "Your trailer or mine?"

"They're next to each other, it doesn't really matter." FP said with a small chuckle and Alice had to agree with him.

"Ok, then my trailer tonight and you bring the pizza."

"Great then Smith."

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