Chapter 65

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After FP had invited Abigail over for a while to stay with them since her children where there too Alice noticed that he was spending a lot of time with Abigail. They would talk about something quietly and when someone else especially Alice made their way into the room they were they just remained silent or walked outside.

Alice tried for about a week to keep the bad thoughts out of her mind but she couldn't do it. Although she was exploding on the inside she remained quiet, she didn't tell FP or anyone else a word about it, but eventually Alice felt like she needed to talk to someone and she didn't want that someone to be FP.

So she called Hermione who was staying at a hotel with Fred and their kids. Hermione picked up almost immediately and she knew by the way Alice sounded that something was bothering her, but Hermione couldn't put her finger on what so when Alice said that they should meet for coffee Hermione agreed.

They met at a café near the hotel Hermione was staying at and of course Hermione was the first to arrive so when Alice did so too Hermione was staying at a table in a corner. "H-"

"What's wrong?" Hermione cut Alice off after the first sound Alice let out and Alice stopped in her tracks and her eyes slightly widened.

"Can't a woman take a breath?" Alice asked as she took off her scarf and jacket and put them down before she sat down herself.

Before Hermione and Alice actually started talking important things a man brought them their coffees which Hermione gladly ordered when she arrived. "What is it Alice?"

"Probably is just in my mind." Alice shook her head a little unsure at the moment if she was right to be suspicious that something was going on between Abigail and FP.

"What is it?" Hermione asked again and Alice let out a loud sigh.

"I think there's something happening between FP and Abigail." Alice said looking down at her hands. She was ashamed that she had to say all that to Hermione, there were just a few words, but the thought of being cheated on was eating Alice alive.

"Why do you think that?" Hermione wanted to get as much details as possible without seeming insensitive. She knew FP loved her and that's why she didn't actually think he could cheat on Alice, but Hermione was still not fully convinced that he was such an innocent guy.

"These last few days, they've been spending a lot of time together. Every time they were talking, they stopped when I came in. Neither of them would tell me what it was about." Alice said still looking at her hands until Hermione's took them in hers.

"They're just talking, what's that bad about it. I mean they're kind of family." Hermione slightly cocked her head to the side as Alice looked up.

"I've tried to keep them away from each other as much as possible without being suspicious." Alice took a deep breath before she continued. "But one night I woke up around two and FP wasn't in the room with me."

"He wasn't with Abigail, was he?" Hermione asked and she didn't realise she was holding her breath until Alice let out a loud sigh herself.

"I didn't look." The moment those words escaped Alice's mouth Hermione seemed to judge Alice for not having the courage to check. "He wasn't in the bathroom or downstairs, but I couldn't walk in in her room and check. I don't have to balls to do that, not with her, not yet."

"Look Alice..." Hermione was thinking of a way to make what she was about to say not sound too painful for Alice, but she decided just to let it out like ages done before. They were like sisters so there wasn't going to happen anything bad if Hermione was forward. "FP cheated on his wife once, there's a chance he'll do it again." Hermione saw that Alice was kind of hopeful at the sound of the future tense, but Hermione corrected herself quickly. "Or he's done it already."

Alice took her hands out of Hermione's grip and she leaned back in her seat. Alice crossed her arms over her chest and let out a loud sigh as she was getting more suspicious by moment. She thought that it would've been better if Hermione just told her she was imagining it. "Talk to him or to Abigail. You deserve to know."

"This would be the second serious relationship of mine that goes to shit." Alice said and she wanted to sound angry, but honestly she was just sad. "And FP, I actually love FP. He's helped me, I mean when the girls died, he came there and I, he just sat with me. He can't be cheating on me after all he knows about me. FP never wanted to hurt me."

"You need to know Alice." Hermione said giving Alice a sympathetic look.

"Do you think he's cheating on me?"

"For you, I hope not."

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This chapter was supposed to be longer and about something totally different, but I wrote it once and it didn't save, god knows why. Maybe he just had a plan and thought this should happen and if so, god is evil.

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