Chapter 27

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When Alice got back to the hospital Amelia was outside smoking a cigarette, it was a vice she had and couldn't get rid of, even though she knew all the ways smoking was bad for her. She squinted her eyes as she watched Alice get closer in the rain. "Alice, you're soaking wet."

"Well..." Alice shrugged her shoulders as she stopped next to Amelia, she was holding an umbrella but it didn't quite matter to Alice who was soaked to the bone so she didn't bother staying under it.

"Your mom woke up, she really wants to see you." Amelia finished her cigarette and threw it in a trash. She was wondering why Alice left like that, but she decided it wasn't her place to ask.

"I'll go change my clothes and then-"

"You can get some from the hospital store, there's no need to drive back to your trailer or whatever." Amelia cut Alice off then she walked with her inside to the store before she showed her to an empty on-call room to change her clothes after that she was on her way home and Alice was on her way to see her mother.

Alice walked down the hall and it didn't take long to find her mother's room. Hermione was there talking to Susan and they both stopped when Alice entered the room. "Mom, how are you feeling?" Alice asked Susan ignoring the look on Hermione's face.

"Tired, but good." Susan slightly smiled. She noticed her daughter's wet hair and asked her about it.

"It's raining outside, I went for a walk and didn't have an umbrella." Alice quickly made up a lie and moved closer to her mother. "Do you need anything at all mom?"

"Just sleep." Susan let out a chuckle and Alice nodded. "You go get something to eat, you've been with me all day."

"I will mom." Alice leaned down and kissed her mother's forehead before she stepped away.

"Sleep tight Susan." Hermione said and with that she and Alice left the room. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I don't need you lecturing me now Hermione." Alice started walking away and Hermione grabbed her by her arm.

"I'm not lecturing you Alice, I've been worried about you." Hermione said and pulled Alice on the side.

"Any word on FP?" Alice asked feeling anxious. She was frightened about Hermione's answer and it felt like hours to Alice until Hermione spoke.

"Fred left a while ago, when he did FP was awake but he didn't see him. Gladys didn't leave his side." Hermione wanted to give more information about FP's state, but she couldn't because she didn't know more.

"I need to see him." Alice said firmly and started walking even though she had no idea where his room was. Every room in that hospital had a window glass so people saw the patients from outside.

"You can't." Hermione said walking faster so she would keep up with her friend. "Alice-"

Hermione stopped when Alice let out a gasp. There he was, FP was on his hospital bed with a bandage on a part of his head. He had a big bruise covering one side of his face and scratches on his arms. "Oh my-"

"Alice stop!" Hermione pulled her away from the door and looked around to see if there was someone there. Luckily for them not a lot of people were around because it was late and it was almost past the visiting hours. "You can't go in there, not with Gladys there."

"I need to Hermione." Alice said and tried to walk past her but Hermione didn't let her.

"I'm smaller than you, but it doesn't mean you're getting past me." Hermione said firmly and Alice stopped trying to get to FP. Not because she was afraid of Hermione, but because Hermione was right even though Alice hated admitting that. Ever since the whole thing with FP started Hermione was right.

"What do I do now?" Alice asked letting out a sigh. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

"Let's go get something to eat across the street." Hermione suggested and Alice gave in.

Across the street was a bar which wasn't filled with too many people. Alice and Hermione sat on a booth in a corner so they could talk, but they barely spoke to each other until their food came. "How are you feeling?"

"Like hell." Alice said picking up a fry and putting it in her mouth. She wasn't really hungry.

"I know this hurts Alice, but-"

"But she's his wife, I know Hermione." Alice leaned back on her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. "I just wanna know how he is." The image of FP on that hospital bed was stuck in Alice's head. Every time she blinked she saw it and she saw Gladys next to him, holding his hand, being there for him like Alice wanted to be, but couldn't. "He looked ok, right?"

"He's not in the intensive care unit so he's ok." Hermione gave her friend a small smile and Alice was grateful for that. "Eat something. When we get back to the hospital I'll make sure you have a few minutes alone with him."

"How?" Alice asked surprised by Hermione's words. She didn't expect her to do that at all.

"That's for me to figure out, now eat."

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