Chapter 25

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Alice arrived at the hospital. Her mother's doctor called her saying that she had news about what they were supposed to do next with Susan. Alice walked up to the information desk a little bit nervous. "Hi, I'm looking for doctor Jefferson."

"Alice." Doctor Jefferson said and Alice turned around to watch her hand a chart to another doctor. "How are you?"

"Good, actually a little nervous." Alice had to admit. She asked doctor Jefferson to tell her what was going to happen over the phone, but she insisted Alice would come to the hospital.

"There's not much to be nervous about." She gestured towards the door to an empty room and Alice followed her.

"Then why did I have to come here Amelia?" Alice asked cocking her head to the side while waiting for an answer.

"Because I have something to tell you about the tumor." Amelia crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Alice with a serious look on her face. "I think the tumor is benign, we haven't tried examining it by removing a part of it because you know that's dangerous, but your mother doesn't respond to chemotherapy or medication."

"She needs surgery." Alice concluded and Amelia nodded. "It's dangerous, but can you do it?" Alice asked smells and she didn't give Alice a straight answer.

"I can definitely try, but there are risks, besides she has to be awake while it happens you know it and your mother is terrified about that." Amelia let out a sigh, she had to perform some really difficult surgeries in her career and even like that Susan's tumor was a new challenge.

"I talked to mom about what we would if the surgery has to happen." Alice sat down on the hospital bed and let out a sigh. She wished chemotherapy and medication would be enough. "She wants me there."

"The you'll be there." Awake brain surgeries had been performed before and Amelia knew how important it was for the patient to have someone they could trust in the same room as them. "I'll have everything prepared and the surgery can happen tomorrow. I'll clear my schedule and get the best doctors I have to assist me. We'll make sure Susan will be fine."

"Thank you Amelia." Alice gave her a genuine smile. She was the one person in that hospital who didn't care that Alice was a well known actress, Amelia told her everything that was going on with her mother and she didn't try once to sugar coat anything. Alice just knew she could count on her.

"Just doing my job."

After her talk with Amelia Alice went to see her mother. She told her about Amelia's plans and Susan just agreed with it, but Alice could tell she was scared. "Mom." Alice moved her chair a little closer to her mother's bed. She didn't look that bad, but she didn't look fine either, as a matter of fact she never did, but laying on a hospital bed just worsen the image. "Everything is going to be fine."

"Yeah." Susan slightly nodded as she looked at her daughter. She wished she could take back most of the things she had done and hated herself for the things she didn't do. Amelia told Susan that her tumor made her be more impulsive than she would normally be. Amelia didn't know for how long the tumor had been there, but it was one of the reasons Susan couldn't stay away from drugs and getting rid of the tumor was going to be extremely helpful for Susan in that area. "I hope so."

"It will." Alice took her mother's hands in hers and squeezed them gently. "And if Amelia says it's fine you, me and the girls are going together on holiday when I finish filming the next two episodes."

"Just a few weeks and I'll meet them?" Susan asked with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Alice nodded her head and she was happy she could make her mother feel better. Despite everything that had happened between them, there wasn't any doubt about their love for each other.


Alice had spent a few hours with her mother until she went back to the trailer. When she got there she wasn't surprised to see FP sitting on the couch. He was doing something on his phone, but he put it down the moment Alice entered the trailer. "So?" FP asked and Alice took off her jacket while she kicked her shoes off.

"Mom's surgery is tomorrow." Alice said as she laid on the couch resting her head on FP's lap. He was running his fingers through her hair knowing she loved it. It's been a week since FP and Alice decided that she would wait for him and that he'd come straight to her as soon as he could and ever since they talked about that they had been really close again, but this time without kisses or anything sexual.

"You'll be there?" FP asked and Alice nodded. She closed her eyes because all she wanted to do was rest. "Don't you want anything to eat or-"

"I just want to rest FP." Alice said rolling on her side to make herself feel more comfortable.


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This chapter was supposed to have with 300-400 more words, but my head is pounding and I'm so tired.

Anyways, there are two things that I want to tell y'all about. First, I want to make it clear that I have no idea how doctors handle these kind of tumors (actually I have no idea how doctors do most things even though I watched Grey's anatomy), so the whole Susan medical situation is probably 50-70 (or more) percent wrong.

SECOND! AND MOST IMPORTANT...If you have any suggestions or theories about what might happen next please let me know because I have some ideas, but what I have in mind most certainly does not correspond with what most of you think will happen.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!❤️

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