Chapter 64

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Everyone was in the living room a couple of minutes before midnight except Jughead who was already asleep upstairs in his room. Gladys's parents were standing next to each other and Gladys was close to them. FP was holding Alice's hand, they were both standing but Alice was leaning against a wall so she didn't have to put much weight on her leg. And Joanna with David were also standing close to Alice and FP.

"Here it goes." FP said when there were twenty seconds before midnight. He planned on doing some other thing for Alice, but he figured that he had a better moment for what he had planned so he gave up on it for a while.

"Ten..." They all started counting backwards from ten together. "...three, two, one. Happy New Year!" The two couples kissed and after that everyone hugged everyone while wishing each other 'happy New Year'. All of them finished their champagne and they kind of parted ways. Gladys parents wenr upstairs to rest and so did David and Joanna because the four of them had to come all the way there and Gladys went to check on Jughead before she'd call some friends and wish them a happy New Year.

As for FP and Alice he wanted to suggest doing something but Alice was one step ahead of him. "Remember when you said you didn't watch 'A star is born' even though you really wanted to?" Alice asked FP.

"Yes." He told her slightly nodding, he never really had the time to since other things got in the way, but he remembered Alice telling him that they should watch it together.

"Can you please get our jackets?" Alice asked FP and he nodded suspiciously. Alice would've done it herself and prepared everything in a better way but her ankle was against her.

Soon FP came with their jackets and they put them on. "Where are we going? Is it far?" FP asked because he wasn't sure how far they could get on foot.

"Not at all." Alice smiled and before she could suggest that they could get there but a little slower if she walked FP picked her up. "I could actually walk, you know?"

"I do." FP paused after he said that and let out a chuckle. "But I do like us practicing these kind of stuff before the wedding." He smiled at Alice and she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Where to?"

"Just outside and look to your right." Alice said and FP followed her instructions with a curious look on his face.

The moment they found themselves outside FP saw it. There was some kind of bed made of blankets and pillows ready for them to lay down on, snacks and soda, even hot chocolate and gingerbread. There was also a black sheet hung from the highest windows of their neighbour's house and the beginning of 'A star is born' was being projected on it.

"You did all this?" FP asked looking from all Alice has prepared to her.

"Not with my hands but close." Alice said and let out a chuckle. "You've done so much for me and I just wanted to do a little something for you."

"We don't need to be even in this relationship Alice." FP said as he walked over to the improvised bed and put Alice down there. "I do what I do because I love you not because I expect something from you."

"I love you too, that's why I did this." Alice shrugged and she lifted up her hand. She placed it on FP's cheek and she leaned closer to him. "I also had something else in mind but this stupid thing-" Alice nodded towards her ankle. "-won't allow me to move and the bed isn't that steady."

"I'm not gonna lie, I missed that." FP smirked at Alice and she did so too as FP pressed his forehead against her. "But having you around just to hold you and love you is enough for me."

"That's really sweet, but momma needs her sugar." Alice bit her lower lip and FP couldn't help but laugh. "Anyway, let's get you to watch this movie and convince you of how amazing it is."

"It has Lady Gaga, I don't even need to watch to know is good." FP said and Alice glared at him.

"What if I played in it? It wouldn't have been good or what?" Alice raised her eyebrows and FP brushed a strand of hair that got between their faces.

"It would've been perfect." FP placed a kiss on Alice's lips and they both took their time to enjoy it. "Now let's watch the movie before the hot chocolate gets cold." FP said when they parted.

"We haven't called Abigail and Fred and Hermione." Alice said remembering of them all of a sudden.

"Fred and Hermione are coming here with the kids tomorrow, we can call Abigail tomorrow too. Maybe I can convince her to fly here for a couple of days." FP smiled assuring Alice that it was exactly what they were going to do.

"Then let's start this movie."

It was about half an hour into the movie and FP could still feel Alice's eyes on him. "You've been staring at me for the past half hour."

"You're handsome and I've seen the movie so I'd rather look at you." Alice smiled and kissed FP's jaw. "You're own star."

"You're an angel."

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