Chapter 63

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It was the thirty first of December and FP with Gladys were in the kitchen preparing everything that needed to be done for them to celebrate New Year while Alice was with Jughead in the living room trying to finish the five hundred pieces puzzle. But Alice's mind wasn't on the puzzle, she was thinking about her upcoming meeting with Gladys's parents and she was really nervous about that and also she was thinking about the surprise she prepared for FP.

Jughead was going to the bathroom when FP came into the living room with a glass of water for Alice and some snacks because he thought she would like that. "Hey stranger." Alice said because she hasn't seen FP in a couple of hours and she definitely didn't enjoy that.

"Hi." FP set the snacks and water on the table before he leaned in and kissed Alice on the lips. The kiss would've been longer, but FP's phone started ringing so he pulled back to answer it.

"Who is it?" Alice asked before FP answered and he told her that it was no one before he left while talking on the phone. Alice found it weird that FP didn't tell her who it was. She didn't usually ask who he was talking to because she didn't think it was her business and she didn't actually care because FP could talk with whomever he wanted, but the few times she asked him the question before he didn't hesitate to answer like this time.

"I'm baaaack!" Jughead said while rushing down the stairs and playing with him got Alice's mind off who FP just talked to.

To Alice's relief the meeting with Gladys's parents went smoothly. They were genuinely glad to meet her and Alice was relaxing more and more by second. She was happy that they weren't holding a grudge against her for stealing their daughter's husband.

After dinner Jughead was talking with his grandparents and Gladys was on the phone with the man she was seeing so FP and Alice had a little time for themselves, or so Alice thought because FP's phone rang again. Alice was up on the counter in the kitchen and FP was in between her legs with his phone pressed to his ear. He listened to the person on the other side while looking at Alice and he was amused by the annoyed look on Alice's face. "Great, ok, I'll be right there." FP said and hung up.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked as FP stepped away from her. "FP, don't walk away from me." Alice said because her ankle was still hurting.

"I'll be right back." FP said without turning around and he walked out of the kitchen.

"Asshole." Alice rolled her eyes. She jumped off the counter making sure she wasn't putting any weight on her bad leg. It didn't make any sense that she got off the counter because she wasn't going to any of the other people in the house because everyone was doing their thing so Alice sat on a chair at the table, but she wasn't alone for long because FP walked back inside and he wasn't alone.

"Surprise!" FP said while Joanna and David walked from behind him to Alice. FP became worried just as a huge smile spread across Alice's face.

"Oh my god." Alice jumped off her seat and before she could stop herself she stepped on her bad leg. She winced in pain, but it didn't stop her from hugging her half brother and sister.

"Are you ok Alice?" FP asked walking to them just as Joanna and David stepped back and looked where FP was looking, at Alice's ankle.

"I'm sorry I called you an asshole." Alice wrapped her arms around FP as soon as he was close enough to her.

"When did you call me that?" FP asked letting out a chuckle and Alice told him that it didn't matter.

"How? Didn't your father have anything against you coming here?" Alice asked Joanna and David as FP stepped from her and out of the kitchen giving the three of them the time they needed together.

"He did, but we're old enough to make out own decisions." David said shrugging his shoulders and Alice gave him a sad smile.

"I don't want you two to fight with him because of me. I can come to see you any time you want me to so he doesn't have a problem with you coming all the way here." Alice sat back on her chair because that way she was sure she wasn't going to hurt her ankle again.

"We are basically adults Alice, he has to deal with the fact that we want to be a part of your life even though he doesn't." Joanna said like it was the simplest thing in the world and Alice slightly nodded her head.

"I'm so glad you two are here." Alice took one of Joanna's hands in hers and one of David's. "Thank you for coming."

"You should really thank FP, he brought us here."

"Oh, what time is it?" Alice asked checking her phone. It was just nine so Alice sighed in relief. She still had some more time to wait before she would show FP the little surprise she had for him. Joanna gave Alice a questioning look and Alice assumed it was regarding as to why she was wondering what time it was. "I have a surprise for FP."

"You two really love surprising each other." David laughed and Alice chuckled at his remark.

"Just wondering, when exactly are you going to surprise him?" Joanna asked and Alice shrugged.

"A little after midnight when the others are going to sleep. I'd love to stay more with you tomorrow but tonight I really need to stay with my fiancé." Alice smiled as she said the last word, emphasising it.

"No problem."

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