Chapter 4

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FP made his way to his trailer leaving Alice and Hermione alone, he figured they had to talk by the look on Hermione's face. He knew how it must've looked to her and it was exactly what she was thinking about, FP wasn't sure exactly how far he and Alice were going to go, but they would have.

Alice looked at Hermione who didn't look as surprised as she probably should have. "What was going on?" Hermione asked walking to the couch and gesturing for Alice to sit too.

"Nothing." Alice shrugged her shoulders as she sat down next to her friend.

Hermione raised her eyebrows at Alice. She wasn't buying it, she saw the way Alice was looking at FP. "For real now."

Alice heavily sighed and let her head fall backwards as she closed her eyes. "I have no idea."

"Figure it out." It was quite difficult for Hermione to be Alice's friend and agent in situations like those, but she managed it well before so she figured she could from then on too.

Alice looked at Hermione and pouted like a child. "Help please."

Hermione slightly shook her head and sighed before she spoke again. "Friend or agent?" Hermione asked and saw Alice was thinking about it.

"Friend then agent." Alice needed both opinions to know what was going on with her and FP. Actually she knew what was happening, but she needed advice on how to handle it.

"First I wanna know..." Hermione paused for a little while. "Are you sleeping with him?" She asked a little bit more quiet and Alice shook her head immediately. "I saw you two, something's going on."

"We're not sleeping together..." Alice said looking down at her hands.

"Yet." Hermione continued for her and Alice slightly shrugged her shoulders. "Why him? Of all men why him?"

Alice thought a while about it before she answered. "He gets me."

"I get you, but you're not falling for me." Hermione said and Alice rolled her eyes at her, but she didn't say anything else so Hermione did. "More details Alice, come on. You can't leave me with 'he gets me'."

"I don't know how, but he knows what I need and what's bothering me." Alice said feeling a little weird talking like that about FP. "He's helping me and he's nice, funny, caring, handsome-"

"Yeah yeah, he's got the whole package." Hermione cut Alice off because otherwise she would just keep going on and on about how great FP was. "But he's also got a wife."

Alice nodded her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "I know, I know."

"If I hadn't walked in on you... would you have-"

"No! No!" Alice said firmly shaking her head, but she realised it was a complete lie. "Yes." She sighed and Hermione did so too.

"Well as your friend I'd say that if you love him you have to tell him and you both need to figure things out because it's only the two of you involved." Hermione said reaching for Alice's hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"But as my agent?" Alice asked knowing Hermione was leaving worst for last.

"This is going to be a huge scandal." Hermione said and Alice didn't need to hear more. "So what's it going to be?" Hermione asked after a little while.

"I have no idea." Alice shook her head.

~ ~ ~

Alice managed to avoid seeing FP until the end of the next week most of the time except when they were filming. She hoped that not being that close to him was going to slow down her growing feelings for him, but it didn't.

FP has had enough of it. He wanted to spend some time with Alice because she avoided him for too long. FP knew it wasn't the right thing because he was married but the heart wants what the heart wants.

It was around midnight that Sunday and FP made his way to Alice's trailer. He didn't even bother knocking, he was sure she was awake because they just finished filming something about half an hour before so he just entered.

Alice was at the sink in her robe and she turned to see who just burst in like that. "What the-" She was cut off by FP's lips crushing into hers.

Alice didn't kiss him back immediately because she was so surprised by his gesture, but soon her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands fell on her hips.

When the kiss finally stopped they were both out of breath. FP pressed his forehead against Alice's and looked right into her eyes. "You've been avoiding me." FP said after a while. "Why?"

Alice looked at him while she moved her right hand to his cheek and held it there. "Right now I have no idea." Alice whispered and FP just smiled at her.

He was clouding her judgement, Alice wasn't fully in control of her actions around FP. And as much as she hated it she loved that he was able to do that to her. It was different from anything she had ever experienced and maybe it was wrong, but it felt so good.

"I have to go FP." Alice said and she tried to step back, but FP didn't let her, in fact he pulled her closer and Alice let out a chuckle.

"Do you now?" FP asked smirking at Alice as he pressed a kiss on her cheek before travelling to her neck.

"Actually yes." Alice cupped his cheeks to push him away, but he found that sensitive spot on her neck and that moment Alice let out a loud moan.

"Really baby?" FP asked leaving kisses on Alice's neck, but eventually Alice got ahold of herself and stopped him. She moved away from FP while bitting on her lower lip and the moment she realised what she was doing Alice stopped.

"I'm going home tonight since we aren't filming next week." Alice said and she could swear that FP looked disappointed.

"Another week without you, huh?" He asked and Alice slightly nodded. She was wondering what it all meant for FP, but those words coming from him made her feel kind of happy because he sounded like he was going to miss her.

"You'll miss me or what?" Alice asked crossing her arms over her chest and her heart started beating faster while she waited for an answer.

"You know I will." FP said and Alice knew a smile was forming on her face so she tried her best to stop it.

"I'll see you in a week FP." Alice told him and she went to open the door. FP made his way outside of Alice's trailer.

"Tell the girls I said 'hi'." FP looked at Alice and she smiled.

"You tell Jughead I said 'hi' too."

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