Chapter 35

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It was New Year's Eve and FP was home spending it with Jughead and Gladys while Alice was also home spending it with her daughters. It's been about a month since FP asked Gladys for the divorce and she agreed, they signed the papers and talked every detail of how their lives were going to be from that point forward and they also explained it all to Jughead as best as they possibly could.

Alice and FP were still keeping their relationship secret because they just wanted some time just for themselves before everyone would start asking them questions about how it all happened and also Alice suggested that if they came out in the open about them Gladys would definitely think FP cheated on her with Alice. Which was not false, but they didn't want and didn't have the energy for a huge scandal.

Alice tucked her girls into bed around eleven, they were never able to stay awake til midnight and Alice didn't mind it because she knew they would grow up and eventually she'd have to yell at them to go to sleep before midnight. She just wanted to enjoy their childhood.

After she tucked them in Alice went into the living room, but before that she poured herself a glass of wine. She sat down on the couch and started flipping through channels.

It was a little after midnight when FP looked over at Gladys and Jughead who were on the couch. They were both asleep and FP couldn't help it as a smile formed on his face. He stood up from his seat and took a blanket which he put over them. Before he walked into the kitchen FP pressed a kiss to Jughead's forehead and he pushed back a strand of hair that was covering Gladys's face.

As he went into the kitchen he thought of Gladys and how hard it all was on her, but it was the right thing and they both knew it. FP took out his phone and saw it was eight minutes past midnight so he assumed that maybe Alice was still awake with the girls so he called her and she picked up almost immediately. "Hi."

"Happy new year!" FP said smiling picturing Alice in her kitchen with a messy bun looking at her daughters who were in the living room.

"Happy new year!" Alice said back and smiled as she turned down the volume of the TV. "How are you?"

"Good." FP nodded even though Alice couldn't see him. "I just got the chance to call, Jug and Gladys just fell asleep a little while ago."

"So did the girls." Alice said ruining FP's image of her in that moment, but it didn't matter.

"I miss you." FP said after a little while and Alice smiled to herself hearing that.

"We are invited to that show next Friday." Alice was happy that they had the chance to meet before having to continue filming 'Justice'.

"I can't wait for next Friday." FP sounded excited and it made Alice happier.

"We have some catching up to-"

"Mommy!" Betty walked into the living room.

"I'll have to call you back." Alice told FP quickly

"Everything o-"

"Yes." Alice cut FP off as she looked at her youngest daughter.

"Love you." FP said quickly and Alice slightly smiled as Betty jumped on the couch next to her.

"Me too." Alice said and hung up. She threw her phone on the other side of the couch as she smiled at Betty. "What's the matter honey?"

"Who were you talking to?" Betty asked with a sleepy voice and Alice thought of what she should say.

"Just a close friend." Alice couldn't tell either her daughters it was FP because they were young and she would have to ask them to keep it a secret and Alice didn't want to ask then to lie especially because they were so little. "So what happened sweetie?"

"I had a nightmare." Betty pouted and Alice hugged her tightly.

"What was it about?" Alice asked as Betty rested her head on her mother's chest.

"You walked out the door with bags and you left me and Polly alone." Betty took a shaky breath and Alice kissed the top of her head.

"I will never leave you two girls, I love you too much to do such a thing." Alice held Betty tightly as she nodded.

"I love you too mommy." Betty said and Alice really wanted to send her upstairs, but she couldn't do it just yet so she decided she'd let Betty fall asleep then she'd carry her there.

The rest of the week went by painfully slow and at the same time painfully fast. Both FP and Alice wanted desperately to get together and just be with one another, but also they wanted more time home with their family. As much as they wanted they couldn't have it both ways so they decided to see the glass half full instead of half empty.

They were supposed to meet at their place the day before their show at five in the afternoon and they both were so excited about it they arrived there early.

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