Chapter 30

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In the morning Alice told the girls that they were going somewhere special. Alice didn't tell them where because she wanted them to see for themselves. She didn't have the chance to call Susan because her phone died and Alice simply forgot to charge it the night before.

When they arrived in front of the building that the apartment Alice had rented for Susan was, Alice let the girls wait in the car so she could talk to her mother first. So Alice made her way to the first floor and knocked on the door a couple of times. "Mom, are you-" Alice was cut off by the door swinging open.

Susan gripped the door tighter and leaned against it while she looked at Alice. She had seen that look on her mother's face so many times before, Alice knew what it meant. "Unbelievable." Alice slightly shook her head and led her mother into the apartment.

"Honey, how-"

"I'm not listening to you." Alice gestured for her mother to sit on the couch and Susan obeyed like a child. Alice held back tears as she looked for the phone she bought for her mother. She called someone and told them that she needed them there to get her mother to the closest rehab then she hung up. "I have to go downstairs, the girls are in the car. Don't move, someone will be here to take you to the rehab."

Alice didn't look back once as she made her way outside and got in the car but not before she put a smile on her face. She had done that so many times before, but every time it hurt just as bad. "Mommy?" Betty asked and Alice turned to look at her and her sister.

"We'll have to wait here for a little while, a friend of mine has something to do, but we'll go in a little bit. I promise." Alice quickly lied. She waited with the girls while the person she called came there then was in and out of the building with her mother and they got in a car before they left.

After that Alice drove around for a while thinking of a place she could go with the girls. She was so angry at her mother she was surprised that she could keep herself from crying. Alice wanted her mother to be fine and not relapse so badly, she convinced herself that Susan was really better because she did seem better, but as it turned out she wasn't at all.

Eventually Alice took the girls to the zoo and they had a lot of fun together there. Alice wanted to spend more time with them, but she had to get back to filming so she called the nanny while they were at the zoo and had her come there. When they left from the zoo and walked towards the car the girls saw the nanny standing next to her own car and Betty looked up at Alice just as Polly did.

"Mommy!" Polly said sadly because she knew that they had to go home without since. "We want to stay with you more!"

"Yes!" Betty backed up her sister and Alice kneeled down in front of the two girls.

"I'm so sorry, but we can't now." Alice said wrapping her arms around her daughters but they both stepped back because they didn't want to leave. ",It won't work girls, you know that."

Polly shrugged and both girl got into the nanny's car without looking back at their mother once. Alice called for them but they didn't turn around, she was on her knees watching them. "Should we...?"

"Yeah, I'll be home as soon as I can. I'm sorry you didn't get a longer break." Alice said standing up. She said good bye to the nanny and she was off with her girls.

Alice got in the car with a familiar pain in her chest. She let out a loud sigh and got in the car then she started driving back to her trailer. Alice just entered it when she got there and threw herself on the couch. She wrapped her arms around a pillow and held it tightly.

FP was in his trailer, she didn't go home that weekend because he was tired and Gladys took Jughead with her to visit her parents so there was no point on going to the house. He decided to try again and talk to Alice about the relationship between them. So FP stood up, he left the book he was reading on the bed and walked to Alice's trailer. He thought that maybe she was with the girls but it was worth a try.

FP knocked on the door a few times and when no one said a thing he decided to try and open the door. It did open and FP walked in. "I didn't say 'enter'." Alice wiped away her tears as FP closed the door.

"What happened?" FP asked genuinely worried as he walked towards Alice.


"Nothing doesn't make you cry." FP said firmly as he kneeled down in front of Alice and looked at her. "What happened Alice?"

"My mother's a drug addict, she relapsed and my daughters probably hate me because I'm not being around almost at all so everything's normal." Alice closed her eyes because talking about it only intensified the pain she was feeling.

"Your daughters don't hate you." FP said placing his hand on Alice's knee and Alice took a shaky breath.

"Can you please don't do that?" Alice asked opening her eyes as she looked at FP. "Please." FP was surprised by her words and confused, but he moved his hand away.

"Is there anything that I can-"

"Yeah, go back to your trailer.'

Complications // A Falice storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin