Chapter 50

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For the next three months FP and Alice got back to work. She had more work to do than usual but it wasn't a problem because she loved doing it and being with FP was making everything a million times better.

Christmas was right around the corner and FP was lying down with Alice, his arms wrapped around her when he brought it up. "Do you wanna spend Christmas with me, Gladys and Jug?"

"Actually, I have to be in LA on twenty sixth." Alice looked at FP and he looked at her back with confusion in his eyes. "I'm meeting someone there."

"Whom?" FP asked raising his eyebrows and Alice hesitated for a second.

"My father." Alice told FP and for a moment he thought he misunderstood her, but he realised he didn't. He moved away from Alice and she instantly missed having his arm wrapped around her. "I hired someone to find him and I have an appointment to see him."

"He has an appointment with his daughter and he knows it?" FP asked frowning a little and Alice cocked her head to the side because it wasn't exactly how things were.

"He is a surgeon and I made an appointment." Alice told FP and he sighed heavily before he ran both his hands through his hair.

"Oh, Alice..." FP was thinking about how hard it must've been for Alice to hear that her father turned his life around and became a surgeon while her mother was an addict and she had to live with her. "Are you sure this is the best idea?"

"No." Alice shook her head and stood at the same level as FP right in front of him. "But I just, I just sort of need this."

"Wait, you said you have to be there on twenty sixth. You can spend Christmas with us." The flight to LA wasn't that long from FP's house.

"I want to drive, I really need the time to think of what I will tell him." Alice knew she could spend Christmas with them, but even if she did she would be too nervous about her meeting with her father so she would just ruin everybody's mood.

"Ok." FP really wanted to be angry for not getting to spend Christmas with his fiancée, but he understood why. "What else do you know about him? Does he have a family?"

"Yeah." Alice slightly nodded. She started playing with her fingers nervously because she never spoke about it with anyone. She did te Hermione she was looking for her father, but she didn't tell her anything about him or his family because she already knew it considering she was the one who hired the person to look for him.

"Talking about it is good for you." FP said and took Alice's hands in his when he saw she was hesitating. "I'm here for you, to listen and to help." FP slightly smiled and Alice sighed.

"He has a wife, a wife my age." It wasn't a problem with Alice at all, it just seemed worth mentioning. "And two kids, a boy who is eighteen and a girl who is twenty." Alice felt a little weird because she was actually talking about her half brother and sister. "My father's name is Michael, his wife Abigail, their daughter Joanna and their son David."

"Do you know anything else about them?" FP doubted that if Alice had someone looking into them they only found just that.

"I haven't opened the file, I only asked for the names and what my father is doing." Alice stopped half way through opening it, she didn't feel like it was right si she didn't do it. "I'm afraid FP." Alice told him before she even thought about it, he had that effect on her.

"I know." FP moved closer and hugged her tightly. Alice rested her head on his chest and was glad he hugged her because she could calm down a little like that. "But it will be fine, you've been through worse."

"Yeah." Alice wrapped her arms tighter around FP and sighed heavily. "It doesn't really help knowing that." Alice chuckled and FP laughed a little as he caressed her head.

"Look Alice." FP said and he leaned a bit backwards as Alice moved to look at him. "You're the most amazing person I have ever met."

"You're saying that just because I'm your fiancée." Alice smiled a little but FP shook his head firmly.

"You're smart, hardworking, selfless, kind, gorgeous, strong and the list goes on and on." FP was happy to see the smile on Alice's face slowly grow. "He would be an idiot to turn down meeting his daughter because you're the best person that could ever enter someone's life."

"Thank you FP." Alice leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I needed this."

"I should remind you of this more often because for some reason you keep forgetting how great you are." FP said smiling and Alice bit her lower lip. She made a mental note to do something special for FP since he's done so many beautiful things for her. "I love you."

"I love you too FP."

Complications // A Falice storyWhere stories live. Discover now