Chapter 2:

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'No one could save me'

Chapter 2:

(Dylan's pov)

Leaving her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and trust me I have had my fair amount of struggles. One whole year of torture without her, watching over her this past year but having to keep my distance. I would have done anything to protect her. I needed to regain my strength to protect her from It

You would think being immortal would be like living your best life forever but I only felt like I was truly living when I was with Ella. I never really thought about anyone else until I met Ella, my whole family is immortal but I've kept away from them since I met Ella. I've been watching her for the past year now, keeping my distance but wanting to make sure she was safe, and I saw how unhappy she was becoming with him and it broke me to see her settle. Every human needs closure, It's a necessity that I never personally understood myself until now, maybe by me talking to her for the last time might help her get back to the life she had before she met me. 

'Of all the boring lawyers you could have chosen, you really chose him? trust him to swoop in when I'm gone'  I said, full of jealousy. I watched as I saw her look around clearly trying to find me but turning back in defeat. 

The thing about being immortal is you have a few powers to keep life interesting, but around Ella they are weakened. I can get into people's minds without actually saying words out loud, I can be invisible at the best of times, I can hear things you wouldn't think are possible if I focus and I can live without and food or drink forever, but there's no fun in that.  Being around mortals for too long drained me and my immortality, being around Ella made me normal and as much as I wanted that with her, I need to create some space to be able to protect her. 

"What are you looking for now?" Joe asked. Even his voice was annoying, I have always disliked him and I never understood what she saw him. 

"I'm sorry Joe, I've got to go, I don't think I'm feeling well," She lied standing up, picking up her coat from the chair. I could see that I had made her feel distorted but I couldn't go any longer without not being in her life.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you back," He spoke basically ignoring her. 

"I'm good, I'll see you later" She replied going over to him and placing her lips on his cheek briefly. Watching her kiss another for the past year has been turning my stomach every time I watched her. I managed to slide past her as she bumped into a teenager, wanting to be able to follow her easier. She shortly followed behind as then followed her to her car. 

'I get that this is weird but you can't run away from me'  I started watching her as she started to look around. 

"This is just my mind" She whispered as she reached her car. I got in as she was getting the car ready.

'We need to talk' I said as she began to drive. 

"This is just my head, the voice is not real, it is just a figure of my imagination," She said to herself. I felt bad for confusing her like this but this would make it easier for when I show myself later to her in person. 

'I need to explain to you why I left'  I said. With Ella, she makes me want to be mortal, so I could have that happy life with her like she wanted.

'You need me more than you know'  I said but when she snorted, I took it as a no. If I could explain it to her without freaking her out, it would be better but this is a story with twists that even I am struggling to wrap my head around. 

"You left me remember? Why should I need your help you when you hurt me like that?" She asked turning to look out of her window away from my face. 

'It wasn't like that, I left to protect you. I didn't want you hurt because of my world'  I insisted. I knew I had hurt her but that was never my intention, but talking to her now I am realising that I would have hurt her regardless of any action I took.  

"Your world? Just tell me why you left or get out of my head." She asked. I can't explain to her like this, I need to talk to her straight out in person. 

"So I am going crazy?" She asked as she approached her apartment car park.

'Look towards the door.'  I said before I shot out of the car like a flash and ran to the entrance to not freak her out.  I watched her get out of the car, as she turned around to lock the door, I watched as she looked directly at me. 

"Dylan?" She asked as if in shock, the rain completely soaking her. I started walking towards her, I watched as she took a few steps towards me but stopped. I walked upright in front of her, placing both of my hands on her cheeks, and pulled her in for a kiss. I stepped back and watched her reaction. She bit her bottom lip slowly whilst in deep thought before looking up sharply as she suddenly slapping me across my cheek. 

"We should talk," I said putting my hands in my pockets. I laughed a little, I knew I deserved that. 

"Yeah," She said, her face stern but I could see her small smile forming as she turned around and walked over to the apartment door. She got her keys out and unlocked the front door. Once we were in her apartment, I looked around. She went into the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts, How was I going to tell her about it

"Do you want a drink or something?" She spoke as if I had never left and things were as they were a year ago. 

"No thanks I'm fine," I said sitting down on the sofa. She came back into the room, removing her coat before sitting on the opposite me. 

"So" She muttered looking into my eyes, her orbs making me smile as I saw her true beauty make me feel vulnerable. 

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