Chapter 7:

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'That I'd meet somebody like you'

Chapter 7:

(Dylan's POV)

 "Know's what?" My mom said trying to hide our secret, I could see her tense up and play the cautious card but I needed advice, not avoidance. 

"I've told her about us, about what we are," I replied as dad huffed into his hands. I looked over to Ella who looked down uncomfortably into her lap and then to our joined hands. I could sense my mom's temper growing in frustration. 

"Ella, why don't I show you the view from the dining room? I think you'll like what we've done with the garden." My dad stood up, gesturing for Ella to be out of the room so my mom could speak privately. 

"Okay." She breathed. I stood up at the same time Ella did and unlocked our hands, releasing the heartwarming feeling as they walked out.

"So did you build this place?" She asked, her voice trailing off into another room. 

"I know you may not understand why I told her but-" I started before mom stood up and interrupted me. 

"You are right. I don't understand. This is not just your secret, it's our secret and many of others around the world and you are trusting a ... mortal" She said sounding upset with me. I looked down to the ground feeling the discerned tone. 

"Why didn't you stay away? You said you left her, you're putting yourself in danger for no reason" She stated. She was right, being with Ella made my immortality weaken and I was more susceptible to mortal ways like injuries not healing and my abilities weakening. But I cared too much about her to let these trivial things stop me being with her. 

"I did stay away but I can't do that anymore" I explained.

"Why? Because you love her?" She asked as if it was predictable

"Yes," I said standing my ground and looking up at her disapproving look. 

"Our kind can't love humans," She said crossing her arms. 

"Why not? How come you can be in love but I can't?" I asked wanting her to explain the difference between her and dad and the way I feel for Ella. I've never experienced this strong pull to someone who gets me, even when she doesn't truly know me. But for once, I want her to know everything about me, so she can love me as much as I love her. 

"Because it's only a want for something you can't have," She said. 

"She is more than a human or a want, she is everything to me. And before you go judging her before you get to know her, Would you like to get to know her as a person and not just a human?" I explained standing in defense. 

She took my hands into hers as she read my future. I could see what she was seeing in all of its bright colors and array of images. It stopped at a particular moment of me and Ella. She was looking out on my balcony at my house in a long dress, as I walked towards her, she turned to reveal a pregnant belly, beaming radiance of pure love.  I watched the image fade like water flowing on top of an ocean as my mom my hands go. 

"What makes her so different from others?" She asked. 

"She sees life in a way I've l always wanted to see it as," I answered as I recanted the image of mine and Ella's future. There was a future with her and she looked at peace. 

"All good in here?" My dad spoke as he and Ella both walked back into the room. I turned back to my mom and she nodded, also looking withdrawn as she processed my future. Ella walked towards me and my lips broke into a smile. 

"All good," I repeated as Ella's eye contact focused on me, her smile growing. 

"Sorry about my behavior before, I don't mean to come across harsh in any way, that was not my intention," My mom spoke smiling to Ella. 

"It's alright, I can understand your concern," Ella replied breaking a little of the tension.

"So how can we help you?" Dad asked. 

"It is 'It', he knows about us" I explained.

"Do you know what 'it' is? " Dad asked Ella who nodded.

"He's told me a brief description," She said

"And I'm guessing you want to know how we became what we are," He asked and she nodded. She took a glance at me and then looked back at my parents in interest. 

 "I can explain this one," My mom commented, turning to Ella. 

"The first-ever immortal being, originally a human, drank from the tree of immortality not knowing it affects. The water stays in the blood and then can be passed on to the next generation. We are all next generations"  She explained. I looked at Ella who looked a bit confused at the end of what she said.

"It's rare to find a first-generation immortal," I commented.  

"So what is it?" Ella asked.

"An energy source from the tree that guards and protects immortal beings." My dad answered as he sat down.

"How can I get it off our trail?" I questioned, watching my mom join him in a seat. 

"Has it contacted either fo you yet?" My mom asked.

"She hasn't but I have, with a warning about a year ago originally, but it returned with another warning yesterday," I answered for the both of us. 

"I'll contact my father to see what he can do about it," My mom spoke, making a mental note of it. My grandfather Thomas, a first-generation immortal and a vile corrupt being that, with a group of others manage the immortals like a council. He is the last person I want to know about me and Ella, as I know he will use it against me or use her to get leverage against me. 

"But in the meantime, both of you will have to keep a low profile and keep your relationship hidden," My dad continued. I couldn't help but feel a sudden uneasy reaction from Ella when he said relationship, because as much as I wanted that, she was already in one with another man. 

"Okay." She said looking any other direction from mine. As much as I wanted her fully, I couldn't until she was ready and made her decision. I needed her to have all the information before she made one. 

Wicked Game (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now