Chapter 10:

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'No, I don't want to fall in love'

Chapter 10:

(Ella's POV)

I followed my orders. I ran and I didn't look back; instead, I got to the car, put the keys in, and drove. I needed to get as much space as I could between me and whatever happened back there. This is just a dream. Today has just been one bad nightmare and I'll be awake from it soon. My phone started buzzing revealing and unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to focus on the road. 

"Ella it's me, where are you? I'll come and meet you." He asked. 

"I'm about to pull into Mo's diner," I stated, driving into their car park. 

"Wait there and I'll be there soon." He replied before hanging up on me. After I put the car into park, I rested my head on the steering wheel and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing to calm me down. I didn't want any of this. I wanted a normal boring life. Finding out that not only my past was a lie with Dylan but my present with Joe was as well, it was all too much for me to cope with. 

I looked out of the window and saw that it was still raining. I began people watching as I saw a couple run through the rain and into the diner, having a romantic moment in the rain together. I was envious of their easy-going relationship. I watched as I saw a taxi pull into the car park and let out a guy. I couldn't tell who he was until he started striding towards the car. I didn't want to get out because it was raining but in a way so I let him come to me. He opened up the passenger car door and turned to me as he sat inside my car. 

"Are you okay?" he asked turning to look at me. I just sat there staring into the rain, focusing on single drops of rain as they burst when they hit the floor.

"Ella?" He asked, trying to get my attention. He didn't know my attention was on him but I think I'm in shock. I was breathing fast, I felt lightheaded and my skin felt clammy on the steering wheel. I saw him in the corner of the eye and I turned to face him but I couldn't speak. I saw my boyfriend dead and then come back to life. It's something I don't see every day and it was something big I was processing. I felt Dylan arms wrap around me to warm me up and I started shaking my head.

"It's too much" I managed to say. I couldn't cry, I just felt stuck. 

"I know," He said planting a kiss in my hair. I felt the comfort and love he was giving me, it felt completely protected in this moment. 

"I didn't want this," I said. 

"I know," he said luckily knowing what I meant by that. I looked up and felt the connection even through my shock.

"Swap with me," He spoke as he let me go. I nodded and got out of the car.  Once I got in, I slumped in the chair and closed my eyes briefly. I opened them straight away when Dylan's side door was slammed shut. I still felt a little light-headed as I put on my seat belt. He started driving and tried to make a conversation.

"I'm sorry," He started, making me turn my head in his direction.

"What for? " I asked but my throat felt extremely dry so it came out funny.

"Putting you through this,  I knew that this would be a bad idea," He said his eyes are still on the road. This wasn't his fault,  he was born that way and I can't change that and wouldn't for a million years.  

"This isn't your fault," I said hoping that would tie up all my thoughts in my head.

"It is," He whispered gripping tighter of the steering wheel.

"Did you stab yourself to hurt me and let me find you dead? No," I said.

"I brought you into danger," He said looking over at me as if he was trying to explain to himself

"I would have been in it regardless from the looks of it, I guess I attract the immortal type," I said turning back to the front-facing the road. I saw him in the corner of my looking over at me grinning before turning to the front, I couldn't help but smirk because I loved his smile.

 "Where are we going anyway?" I asked as he drove into the middle of nowhere. I thought he would be taking me to his apartment or his new place wherever that may be, but he started to drive into the outskirts of the city. 

"My place," He replied casually.

"Your place? Are you back at the apartment?" I asked. I was curious because if we were going back to his apartment, we were going the wrong way.

"Not the apartment, my actual place, I'm sorry I never told you the truth about where I actually lived but the apartment was a spare place," he explained

"So this place of yours? Where is it? You're driving away from the city." I asked

"It's not that far, but I kind of need to be away from people," He explained pulling off into the woodland area, on an off-road track. I looked back towards him and watched as his smirk grew in excitement. 

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