Chapter 23:

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'Don't want to fall in love'

Chapter 23:

(Dylan's POV)

Once I banged the front door open by kicking it, I was face on with Joe who didn't look very impressed

"It's polite to knock" He said sarcastically just before I leaped onto him, pushed him to the ground as he tried to throw a few punches.

"Dylan!" Ella's voice boomed throughout the apartment as she was banging. She sounded weak ,a sound I wasn't used to hearing.

"Dylan!" She shouted again
I twisted Joe's neck as and broke a few bones to slow the healing process. I ran towards the sound fast and when I saw the door with what looked like a lot of locks on the outside, I started banging the door down with the hardest push I could have done broke it. I spotted Ella straight away and bear gripped her into a hug. When she hugged me back just as tight, I knew we were going to be okay.

Is she immortal now?

The thought pushed it's way through my head making me panic. She doesn't want to be immortal, she made that clear with the call.

"Are you?" I asked still holding her. When she didn't respond I knew this would be bad. I let go of her and kept her at arms length to look at her up and down. When she started to cry in front of me, nodding I knew the answer.

"Ahh shit" I cursed under my breath before I grabbed her close to me tightly holding her as she cried.

"All I wanted was to go to work" she said through her tears which made me laugh a little.

"We can sort this okay?" I said comforting her whilst stroking her back .

"How?" She asked as I let go of her. I put both hands on her shoulder's to show I was still there for her. She did have a good question there, I should go to my parent's, they'll know what to do. But I need to be careful, visiting them so much might give them the wrong idea.

"We need to go before it's too late" I said bypassing her question. I grabbed her hand as we practically ran out of the apartment to my car. I was shaking as I put my keys in the car. I could see she was worried, which was making me worried. I drove to my parents in silence, gripping the steering wheel.

"Dylan slow down" she said calmly but I ignored her and pushed on the gas. I just couldn't stop thinking about her immortality. There are so many perks for involved, and not just for her, I wouldn't have to see her die. I wouldn't be worried about 'it', and she would be constantly safe.

"Dylan!" She shouted taring me away from my thoughts. I slowed down as we were approaching my parents.

"We're going to your parents?" She asked. I looked over to her and I could she the transition was already beginning, her bags under her eyes were fading but she was holding tightly to her wrist.

"Yeah, they're the only people I know who would know about this" I explained. I looked over and she looked like she was in pain.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked as I drove into the woods.

"I'll be fine, I twisted my wrist when I was banging on the door earlier" she explained as she let go of her wrist. It revealed a swollen and bruised wrist.

"No your not" I said as we pulled up outside of the house. She held out her wrist towards me. I held her hand lightly and watched as the bruising was slowly healing. I looked up into her eyes before I let go of her hand.

"We need to be quick" I said urgently. We got out the car, and I walked over to her, grabbed her other non swollen hand and we walk towards the house. I knocked on the door as she leaned her head on my shoulder. My sister answered the door

"Well hello" she said sarcastically but I practically walked passes her pulling Ella along to the living room. My mom was sat with a folder on her lap looking like she was going to the office.

"Dylan, Ella" she said as we walked in. She closed the folder and put next to her before standing up.

"She's changing" I said as I sat her down. I looked at Ella and she looked like she was tired - part of the transition is going in a comatised sleep to change.

"What do you mean changing?" She asked.

"She got injected with some immortal blood and now she's transitioning" I explained

"Ah crap" Julia said coming from behind.

"I need your help" I said talking to mom

"Let me guess, she doesn't want to be immortal" Julia said standing next to mom

"Well yeah" I said quickly after.

"I'm sorry but I don't know how to cure it" she said sympathetically. I looked down at Ella who was passed out.

"Shit" I exclaimed holding her up before she fell off the sofa. I picked her up bridal style and faced my mom.

"I'm going to put her in my room" I said before leaving the room. After the three staircase's i got up, I walked in my room and placed her body on the bed. She was completely out of it asleep sight he fairies as she was transitioning. She looked stunning in this state as i watched her become more defined. Her cheekbones were now showing, I could tell any baby weight she had was slowly fading and she had some sort of light glow to her. I sat by her feet waiting even though I knew it would take longer than 24 hours. I moved closer to her head up the bed.

"I know you can hear me and I know you are going to be in pain For a while but you will be okay" I said grabbing her hand.

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