Chapter 41:

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' a wicked game you played '

Chapter 41:

(Dylan's POV)

I ran after her, passing my family trying to ignore them, only focusing on her. I watched as she used her extra speed as an advantage to run off into the woods away from me.

I can't believe that's how she had to find out, I forgot to tell her but instead of telling her for me they should have reminded me or text me at least. And unleashing it on her, was that really necessary?

I looked around stopping at my car as I looked for a glance of movement to tell me that she had gone a particular direction.  I could hear everyone from inside come out of the door behind me, trying to talk to me.

"Dylan" Mom shouted making me turn around.

"We're sorry" Dad apologised, making me go from annoyed to angry. 

"Sorry? Why does this family ruin anything good? There was no need to get 'it' on her, if you need me then text me." I stated, more like shouted not even attempting to keep my cool. 

"You should have told her." Julia stated.

"Exactly, it should have been me, on my terms, my way. You didn't need to say anything back there, and it wasn't unfair to me, it was cruel on Ella. What you all did back there was cruel. I love that woman. I really do but this family for some reason are trying to put a wedge through that, and if you make me choose i'm sorry but you won't like the answer." I said making my opinions and thoughts clear.

"I wanted something better for her, something better than what we've had. Is that so hard? So hard to let me be happy?" I asked. 

"You made that deal with me Dylan. You wanted that Joe eliminated, you wanted him gone." Thomas interrupted coming forward through my family as if he were their main speaker. He pointed his finger towards me as he spoke to me trying to reason with me, but it was provoking me to argue even more with them.

"I see that you can't even do that. How do I know? I saw him earlier, still aware and in the picture. But I know that this family can't hold up their promises, so I won't keep up mine. I'm not going to Dc, you don't have to kill Joe anymore. Because i'm done." I answered making it clear where I stood with them.

I decided on walking into the woods, ignoring them shout towards me, ignoring the attention they were bringing to themselves. I have had enough, they have caused to many issues with me in the past and in the present for me to let anything slide, I can't do it anymore. Walking straight finding it the best way to find her, I began calling out her name.

"Ella!" I shouted looking around. If I had never agreed to the stupid deal with Thomas in the first place, non of this would have happened. 

"Ella!" I repeated not getting a response looking around aimlessly hoping to see a glimmer of movement from anywhere. But when I saw nothing or heard nothing, I didn't know what to do.  I kept on walking, calling out her name for about another half an hour, going in different directions to see if I could find her at a different place.

"Ella!" I shouted as I turned around a tree, finding Ella sat at the side of the river, he feet in the water and her head held down.

"Ella oh my God I've been looking around for you." I stated so happy to see that she was okay.

"I know I could hear" she commented as I went to sit next to her.

"I'm not leaving." I said trying to rip off the band-aid of what is the issue. 

"I mean for Dc. I'm going anywhere. And I know I should have told you about it straight away but I forgot.  I think deep down a part of me knew that I wouldn't be able to leave and I think that's why I pushed it down." I explained even further trying to make everything okay between us, to explain why I hadn't told her. 

"It's okay." She commented not sounding her usual bubbly self. Was she still upset?

"Are you still mad that I didn't tell you?"  I asked wondering where I stand with her.

"I'm not mad, it just seems so hard at the moment, trying to make this work, trying to make anything work. If it's not Joe getting in the way it's something else."  she explained. What was she saying? I don't understand what she's trying to tell me.

"It's never going to be easy El. Things take time and will get in our way, but they don't last forever."  I said trying to ease her mind. She turned her body towards my direction a little as she spoke.

"Unless you want to take some time?" I suggested to see where her head was at with us. We had been talking about our relationship a lot and I hadn't considered anything like this but it got me thinking if she had. She sharply turned her head in my direction surprised by what I came out with.

"Do you want to?" She asked sounding hurt, answering that question.

"No, I just don't know where we stand." I explained trying to give my reasons. She took my hand from my lap and slowly intertwined our fingers together , using her other hand to hold them on her lap. 

"I want to be with you, but things need to slow down, we need to take steps before we run okay?" She said opening up to me still looking at our joined hands. 

"Okay." I said taking our joined hands and bringing them to my lips, pressing a kiss on top of hers. 

Wicked Game (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now