Chapter 44:

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'No I don't want to fall in love'

Chapter 44:

(Ella's POV)

We were slow dancing with my head on his chest and Dylan's head rested on mine as we took each step at a time. With my dress swaying side to side, I was completely taken in the background. It was a moment that I didn't want to let go of until something in my stomach thought otherwise. I tried to push the feeling down in not wanting to be anywhere else other than this place with Dylan but obviously my stomach thought that dancing for an hour was enough for the night. I could feel the sick travelling up my body and I knew I was about to burst at any minute. I let Dylan go keeping him at an arms distance which made him confused. 

"Are you alright? You look a little ... pale." He commented. I nodded before I rushed off using my super speed to the toilet. I burst instantly, throwing up everything and anything. Leaning my head back when I was finished, I felt someone rush through the door, calling out my name.

"Ella?" I heard Lisa call out as I stood up. I took a tissue and wiped my mouth as I left the cubical, revealing a worried Lisa standing in front of me. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. I washed my hands and sorted my hair out trying to look normal but feeling extremely embarrassed. 

"It's just a little bug, It's passing." I stated as she helped sort out the back of my dress. 

"Immortal people don't sick, we're mean't to ill free, hence the immortality , see my concern?" She said when she looked in the mirror. I could see her thoughts going around in her head until she spoke. 

"Unless they are pregnant." She said waiting to see my reaction. I couldn't be pregnant, it's impossible. 

"I'm not pregnant." I answered looking at her, seeing the excitement in her face. 

"You could be, it explains the sickness and the glow about you." She stated as if she were believing it. 

"I'm not pregnant. Honestly." I said laughing at the notion. No way could I be pregnant. 

"I think you should at least take a test, just to be sure." She commented as I dried my hands. 

"Trust me, I'm sure. I'm not pregnant. I should really be getting back to Dylan." I said walking past her but when she grabbed my arm to make me turn around, I was a little stunned.

"Please just be careful and take a test." She said letting my arm go. I left the restroom and saw Eric wondering around, pacing forwards and backwards as if he were waiting for someone. I called out to him but when he saw me not sure if it were me that shouted to him, he turned around to walk away to avoid me. 

"Eric?" I asked which made him stop in his tracks, turning around as if he had been caught. I walked up to him feeling comfortable in a way, it was as if I recognised him from somewhere but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 

"What ... I didn't know you were ..." I commented surprised to see him. I didn't know he was immortal, he had never brought it up, but then again I hadn't really seen him to ask him. God the last time I saw him he was trying to help me get away from Joe and got hurt, and I forgot to check up on him. 

"Yeah my parents are." He replied sluggishly. He didn't look as if he had aged a day since the last time I saw him actually, In fact he looked exactly the same. 

"I'm sorry I never checked up on you after that incident years back." I stated.

"It's cool don't worry about it." He replied as if he felt uncomfortable, like he didn't want to talk to me, like he didn't want to get caught talking to me.

"Hey are you alright? You seem a little edgy." I said as I felt Dylan join us.

"Ella my mom has been looking for you, hi nice to meet you i'm D-" Dylan said noticing I was talking to someone before Eric interrupted.

"Da-Dylan. Oh crap. I should really go I should be here." He said before running off literally through a crowd. We looked at each other confused but then shrugged it off.

"He's strange." Dylan muttered. How did he know Dylan's name? why did he run of? 

"He's kind of like that." I said remembering every time before I've seen him, he's always been a little awkward like he wasn't suppose to be talking to me. 

"Anyway my mom wants to talk to you, she said you would know what it was about?" He said a little unsure himself. Oh great she wants to speak about her theory of me being pregnant again. 

"I'd rather dance with you." I said trying to push past talking to Lisa again. 

"Come with me, I want to show you something."  He said taking my hand so he could lead me somewhere else. 

"Wow they're incredible." I stated shocked by what he had showed me, stopping us in our tracks. 

"They come every year at the same time and the same place." 

"How did you know about this?" I asked smitten by the view. This was stuff of story books and films, I couldn't believe I was watching nature in its purest. 

"I've been here practically every year since I was born, except for a the last five and a few before that." He explained

"Well its gorgeous." I commented absorbed by the lights that were twinkling around us.

"Marry me." He said out of the blue completely surprising me. 

"What?" I muttered not knowing what to do. He knelt down on a knee and got out a box, revealing a bring that shone with the lights around us. 

"Marry me. We took our time, we've been through a lot, hell and back even and we're basically a love story anyway that needs that happy ending. Marry me because I love you and I think you love me too. Marry me -" He spoke before I interrupted him abruptly.  

"-I'll marry you." I stated

"You will?" He asked making sure. I laughed at his reaction and kissed him tightly in the moment. 

"Of course I will." I answered letting my lips go from his. He got up from his knee and grabbed me pulling my body towards his, embracing me with his lips and touch. I could feel the smirk growing on our lips as the lights around us flew around. I managed to tare myself away from him for a moment as he slid the ring on my finger, not wasting any time to place my arms around his neck and through his hair, leaving the hand with the ring on placed flat on his cheek as our lips met again. 

Wicked Game (Dylan O'Brien)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang