Chapter 40 :

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'break your heart'

Chapter 40:

(Ella's POV)

Once my mom and dad left after a night of laughing and catching up, I turned to Dylan who was preparing himself to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked. He collected the keys from the side as I grabbed a jacket getting myself ready to go just in case.

"We're going to my parents, like I said earlier." He explained waiting for me to get ready.

"I'm just going to change." I stated leaving the room, heading towards the wardrobe. I decided on my halter neck cropped denim jumpsuit with my suede cut out block heels and a red suede jacket. I walked out to the living room to find Dylan looking at something on his computer.

"Okay let's go" I said once I were ready. He turned smiling as he was turning off the computer. We walked out of the door towards the car and got in, still not talking to each other about the conversation from earlier, something I felt needed bringing up.

The car journey was silent as we made our way there and once we had stopped, he turned to me before I left the car.

"I just need to give you a heads up about my granddad. Let's just say he enjoys intimidating people." He explained.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"To be honest I don't know, he's kind of always been like that" He said explaining further, making me feel a little discomfort.

"Okay" I commented as we got out of the car, knocking on the door. A woman, the same from Starbucks, answered the door, Revealing herself to be Dylan's sister.

"Dylan... Ella" she said surprised to see us.

"Julia." Dylan said as we waited to go in.

"I don't think we've officially met. I'm Julia" she said Introducing herself to me offering her hand for me to shake, I accepted it smiling as I spoke.

"I'm Ella. But you knew that already" I said laughing. She let my hand go and let us go up to the front room. As we got into the living room, we saw Dylan's parents and at least 10 suited up men standing around as if it were a fancy get together. Once they noticed that we were here, all heads turned to us making me feel a little uncomfortable and a little insecure.

"Dylan, Ella!" Lisa said with a raised voice as she separated herself from her little crowd and came towards us.

"Lisa" I muttered as she took her grasp of me, cocooning me in her hug, the stench of alcohol could be smelt from half way across the room. I let her go way before she let me go smiling trying to be polite. Dylan's dad and one of the elder men cam towards us smiling.

"Ella. I'd like to introduce you to my grandfather Thomas." Dylan introduced. I offered my hand to shake as the Thomas guy extended his hand, but to my surprise he pulled me closer towards him with my hand raising it to his lips, briefly leaving a kiss on the top of my hand.

"A pleasure" Thomas commented letting go of my hand. Thomas's presence was extremely intimidating and unnerving, it was if he were making me feel that I were below him on the food chain.

"So what brings you two love birds back here?" Patrick asked starting conversation as I shuffled awkwardly.

"Ella said she had been hearing a voice, it was as if it were threatening her to do stuff" Dylan explained for me.

"Do you have a history of schizophrenia or mental illness?" Julia asked rudely.

"Jules, cut it out would you?" Dylan snapped back.

"So anyway, Dylan said it could be 'it' ?" I said trying to move past it and get to the point at hand.

"'It' ?" Lisa asked sounding concerned. I nodded in response, looking towards Dylan not feeling comfortable, Dylan's grandfather was staring at me intimidatingly me making me feel tense. I felt Dylan's hand slowly slide into mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"Why would 'it' target you?" Patrick asked before he took a sip of his drink.

"'it' was sent by me." His granddad spoke up, baffling us all. It was so sudden out of the blue, as well as shocking, to hear the words come out of his mouth.

"You sent him? Why?" Lisa spoke up asking the question on everyone's minds.

"We made an agreement and it turns out, we need you there a little sooner than we anticipated" He explained. What agreement? A little sooner? What was he talking about? How come I feel little behind on this subject? Why am I not asking these questions out loud?

"Dylan what is he talking about?" I asked.

"You didn't tell her? Now this is interesting." Julia spoke up finding this situation amusing. Dylan shot her a look of discontent before he turned to me.

"look I need to explain." He commented not giving me the answer I wanted.

"Explain what?" i asked

"I think we should give them some privacy don't you?" Patrick interrupted being polite.

"I'd rather stay" Thomas stated finding my confusion funny.

"It's a deal I made with Thomas when you were transitioning..." He began to explain but not fully telling me the story as we were interrupted.

"-Where is it you're being shipped of to, Dc or Denver?" Julia asked. Dc? Denver? Shipped of to? Is this his way of telling me that he's leaving me? Dylan glanced Julia's way giving her a look that shut her up. I wanted them all to shut up, I wanted to know what was going on. He turned to me, a look in his eyes I had seen a few times before, it was guilt.

"Ella" He muttered as if were about to explain something I didn't want to hear. I swung myself around and began to walk out of the house, he was leaving me, he made a deal to leave me.

"Ella" He called out to me following me out. I didn't want to listen to him try and worm his way out, he knew he was leaving, he chose not to tell me. I ran with my new super speed away into the forest, not telling him where I was going.

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