Chapter 13:

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'Fall in love, this world is only gonna break your heart'

Chapter 13:

(Dylan's POV)

We lay in bed in the middle of the day; the sun beaming through the room, her body tangled all around me with the bed sheet slightly covering our naked selves, waiting for the time to go bye. Her hand on my chest as she lay exhausted could feel my racing heartbeat. I looked down at her and kissed her hair. Once i did that, she came closer towards me, with whatever little space there was between us now gone. I didn't mind though. 

"Are you still weak around me?" she asked randomly out of the blue. This must have been stuck in here mind ever since i told her.

"Kinda" i said remembering that i will need to get back to dad on that subject.

"Don't you ever die on me" she said raising her head to look at me directly.

"I won't" i said trying to reassure her

"I'm serious" she said

"I promise i wont die on you" i said hoping that this would end the subject. She kissed me and raised her body so she was sat up.

"Come on" she tapping my leg to move

"Where are we going?" i asked rolling over to my side to curl up in a ball not wanting to go anywhere.

"My place" she said trying to grab my arm to pull me out of bed but instead i managed to pull her and turn her body onto the mattress so i was spooning her. 

"Dylan" she said trying to wiggle her way out but i started ticking her and she burst out laughing

"Dylan stop" she said hysterically laughing

"Stop stop stop" she said, the middle 'stop' sounding serious but then turned to humour again. I stopped and she looked up. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" i whispered into her ear but looking into her eyes

"I thought you'd never ask" she said before kissing me tightly. I smacked her bum which started her moving and getting out of bed. 

"Come on, lets get your stuff" i said as she stood up and i leaned up. She grabbed her clothes from the floor and started getting changed into them as i went into my wardrobe and got my black skinny's and my black long sleeved top which i shoved my sleeves up so it looked three-quarter length. When i turned around, she was gone again so i quickly put on my black Adidas's' and went into the lounge/kitchen/dining room where she was sat on the island drinking some water looking at he phone.

"Your very good at sneaking off" i said grinning, she turned around and smiled and put down her phone but kept hold of her drink.

"Yeah, years of practice when your parents are arguing"  she said smiling it off

"How are they by the way?" i asked out of politeness. To be honest, me and her mum used to get along so well because she was so laid back, sometimes quiet and nice to everyone and her dad was loud and full of life.

"Yeah ... not so good, turns out my dad wanted to leave for years and decided not so long ago he would with this women and she is so nice and -" she said before i interrupted her

"you met her?" i asked confused

"Yeah, i had dinner round hers once, she dead sweet and fits my dad well, its just that he won't divorce my mom because he still thinks that she might take him back." she said. I rolled my eyes out of confusion and ran my hand through my hair. 

"Okay then ... you ready to go?" i asked grabbing my phone from the sofa and putting it in my back pocket.

"Yeah" she said grabbing her phone and putting it in her pocket. 

"We'll take my car" i said grabbing my keys from the side and turning around. I waited for her to go in front before locking the door behind me. When me and dad built the house, we thought we'd make a garage for my jeep. Its crappy and i got it from one of my old jobs. As we got in, I noticed she was looking at her phone again.

"You okay?" I asked noticing she looked a little down about whatever she was looking at

"Here" she said passing me the phone. I saw the amount of threatening texts this guy had text her :

'You can't break up with me?'

'will fucking find you and if your with him, will make you fucking wish you weren't'

I kept on scrolling down and they all seemed the same. I passed the phone back to her

"Don't worry, he's one of those guys who are all talk but no action" I said starting the car up. This guy never scared me, and he doesn't scare me now if he's one of my kind either, it just makes me laugh to think I could put him in eternal pain. I started driving and when I got to route 90, she took hold of my left hand and looked out the window. I drove quick and drove fast back to her apartment not speaking a word on the way. Once we pulled into the car park, she let go of my hand and opened the door. She stopped however and turned back to me still leaving the car door open. 

"You alright?" i asked, my hands on the roof making me lean because i was already stood out. 

"Sorry, i'm just processing this" she said like she was trying to work out a crossword

"Processing what?" i said as she got out of the car. I closed my door and locked it as she came closer to me. We started walking into the apartment when she answered

"Everything, just an emotional shock that's all" she said as we reached her apartment door. She got out her keys and unlocked the front door. When we entered, it was different from yesterday, there were no knives stabbed in the walls and the floor wasn't covered in glass and broken objects. I grabbed hold of her out of confusion and worry. I could smell the smell of burning chicken and lavender at the same time. I felt Ella's over hand on the same arm of which her hand was interlocked with mine. When we entered the main living space, i could see on the dining table a fully cooked roast and the room was blood free. Every object was replaced with new items which looked fairly similar. Then i could see Joe standing there. 

"Ella" he said straight, looking at me and only me

Wicked Game (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now