Chapter 17:

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'Its strange what desire can make people like you do'

Chapter 17:

(Dylan's POV)

Shit. It is moving faster than I interpreted.

"What are you on about?" She asked

"Its nothing, just go back go sleep" I said trying to calm her down, the less she knows about him, the less pain he can inflict on her.

"You just said something" she said brushing her hair away from her face with her hand.

"It doesn't matter" I stated hoping that she would drop the conversation

"I'm too tired to even argue" she huffed and she slid back down. I turned her around so I was behind her and my head was muzzled in her hair. I closed my eyes and her tight as I started to think of a game plan. These thought's were disturbed by her hushed tone.

"I love you but your going to have to tell me sometime otherwise we're going to repeat the same thing that happened last time and I don't want that" she whispered. I pressed a kiss in her hair for longer than needed and whispered back

"No secrets, okay?" I said and she tyrbed around to face me. She looked up at me and kissed me tight

"Non". She said before we both closef oyr eyes and fell into a deep sleep into each others arms.

When we woke up, I noticed that she wasn't in front or behind me on the bed which made me go into automatic panic mode. It didn't last long because I saw her at the end of the bed zipping up her suit dress.

"Need any help?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, she turned around as if I had jumped her and played it cool.

"If you would be so kind" she said turning back so she was facing away from me, pulling her hair to one side. The zip was half done as I crawled to the end of the bed. As I got in my knees, I started kissing her free neck and slowly unzipped the rest of the dress.

"That's the wrong way" she whispered,obviously not bothered which direction the zip went in. As my kisses went up the kneck, the dress fell off her shoulders and onto the floor.

"Oh" she said out of the blue. I turned her so she was facing me and she smiled as she pushed my chest lightly so my back hit the bed, she lent over me so each of her knees we next to my hips. Just as she was about to kiss me, tantalizing my every erge, she hovered over my lips and spoke.

"I should really be getting going" she said before pressing her lips together. Being in the playful mood, I pulled her back and twisted the tables so I was on top. She started laughing as I did this, i looked over her and fought every edge inside of me. I kissed her intensely before pulling away.

"Do you have to go to work?" I asked looking down into her eyes, her looking back into mine.

"Unfortunately I have to have some sort of economic status otherwise its very difficult to get money" she said making me laugh.

"Okay but what if I told you that you didn't have to?" I asked bringing up my infinite amount of money my family and myself have saved up over the millennium's.

"Well I do" she stated and she shifted from underneath me and got up and started to put her dress on.

"Actually I am kind of rich" I said but she didn't flinch.

"I'm not taking your money" she said as she zipped herself up and turned around to face me.

"Its our money" I explained. I want her to share her life with mine and mine with hers, not just including the money but also us together, that sounds like such a girly thing to say so I'm not going to say it out loud or she'll think I'm weird.

"No Dylan" she said putting her heel's on.

"So what will make you say yes?" I asked out of pure curiosity and she stood up.

"I'm going to work now" She said as she was about to step out the door.

"I'm being serious Ella" I said standing up out of bed.

"And I don't want to be a gold digger" she said coming back into the room.

"Is that what you think people will think?" I asked walking closer to her

"Well yeah ..." She said going out of the room afterwards.

"One day they'll all be dead" I stated

"Dylan!" She said sounding shocked as she trubed around to face me in the lounge.

"Well it's the truth and one day they are going to stop judging other people's lives and judge their own so stop getting paranoid and let me spoil you in the short life we have together" I explained.

"We've got forever for that" she said as she came up close to me.

"That's not long enough" i whispered feeling déjà vu coming along. She kissed me cheek and closed her eyes as I breathed heavily to resist her.

"No its not your right" she said before she turned and left. I stood there stunned and a little annoyed that she didn't accept my offer. I walked to the kitchen side and grabbed my phone and made a call.

"Hello" John Christopher said

"Hey can you do me a favor?" I asked

"Yeah normally people ask if I'm okay first but sure what's up?" He said

"Sorry dude, you alright?" I asked sarcastically

"What do you want me to do?" He asked getting straight to the point

"Transfer $100,000 a month to Ella Christopher's account please?" I asked

"The Ella?" He asked remembering that I had brought her up in a conversation before.

"Yes, if you don't mind?" I asked

"Sure thing, it'll be in the account in an hour if that okay?" He said

"Perfect, thanks mate, I'll call you again soon" I said ending the conversation and hanging up.

Wicked Game (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now