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“Seriously, you should get a grip of yourself. You’re even a teacher. So act like one.” - Grace

When Rishi arrived at school 45 minutes before the start of first period, she went to 4-B’s room to meet the Female Tennis Team’s Captain, Grace Sleak.

“Rishi! Rare of you to visit me.” Grace greeted her at their classroom door.

Grace Sleak, different from Rishi, has short hair that doesn’t need any tending whenever she plays. She became captain of the club just this year and also has some records in tournaments since her second year in College. She doesn’t have much confidence on her academics unlike Rishi.

“Bad timing?” The long-haired girl confirmed.

“No. Go on ahead.”

Both, when together, actually attract attention. Both are top tennis players for their school’s singles category and both are unbelievably attractive on their own way. Those qualities were enough to make them to be well-known in the school.

“Emette decided to come to club later for a practice match against me. Hope that’s fine.”

“Heh? Why is it always you? He should come for the others too.” Grace whined. Then as if to notice something, she shot curious eyes on Rishi. “You think he has the hots for you?” She teased while poking her junior’s side with her elbow.

The question caught Rishi a little off guard and memories about yesterday flashed in her head. Her heartbeat started to increase once again and she felt the heating of her cheeks.

Grace noticed her companion’s face turning red. “No way! Does he? Or do you? Which is it?” her usual persistent self ambushed Rishi with a lot questions she can’t answer – or won’t answer. “I swear there is something between you and Mr. Romerole, Rishi and you’re going to tell me.”

“What about me?”

Two heads turned in unison to the origin of the voice. Rishi was just a few milliseconds faster than Grace since she already knew who the owner of the voice was without even looking back. Her face heated as she realized the thought.

“Teach! Good timing!” Grace launches her attack on Emette this time. “I was just asking Rishi if you have the hots for her. You’re almost seen together during breaks and you only do matches with her too.”

“Ah,” Emette gave Rishi a look and seeing her embarrassed face, pleasure filled his head with the picture of her troubled and shy look. He returned his focus on the one who just asked the question. “What if I say I do?”

“W-whoa! So bold, Teach! But too bad, you need to wait for two more years to get her.” With mercy, the interviewer said without minding Rishi’s already-red face.

Emette is enjoying the sight of Rishi, being embarrassed. He didn’t lie though – he does have the hots for Rishi and not only that, he can swore to anyone who knows that he thinks about indecent things where she is concerned which he has to stop himself. What Grace also said is true. He has to wait for two more years in order to make an acceptable relationship with her. He knew about it but he doubts he’d be able to wait for that with the current situation. He cursed his self again as memories of yesterday flashed back into his head.

“Two years, huh?” he finally said after some deep thinking. “You think we can survive with keeping it a secret instead?”

“Whoa! I don’t mind that though.” Grace said while trying to think. “To be honest, you two are a good match for each other. Good with both academics and tennis. I won’t hinder you guys. I might even help you with your relationship.”

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