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“How I’d love to have you as my wife.” He blurted out in a voice so sweet and loving that sent waves of warmth to the girl’s body.

Fresh from the shower and now on her teasing pajamas, Rishi started doing her work in the kitchen. Emette’s eyes was taken by the sight of his precious after getting out of the bath room and now on Rishi’s father’s bathrobe – again. His desire to wrap his arms around that delicate body which he did his best to control the whole time is kicking in. But even so, he has to hold it back or dinner won’t be done if he let it win over him.

“I never knew you can cook.” He decided to distract himself from the sexiness in front with a simple conversation. He took his seat on the dining table where he was once five days ago.

“How do you think I survived two years living alone?” Rishi answered with another question since what he was seeking was the obvious.

“Fast food. Food deliveries.”

“You, as an athlete, know that those are not good.”


“Still not good.”

How he loves having these small conversation fights with her even though he knows he’ll end up losing.

“Although, I’m not that good with complicated stuff. Just the hifty ones. Limited time.” Rishi added.

“I should have guessed.”

He wanted to concentrate on the topic but his eyes failed to leave Rishi’s back. Her small movements, even, come to him and his eyes almost never blinked just not to miss a second of her.

“Do you know how good you look when you’re cooking in a pajama and with an apron on?” He asked, giving now space for some spice that he’s trying to hold back.

“I’m not quite sure how I look with it.”

“Really? Can I be the mirror?”

“You can try.”

“Gladly.” He grinned, giving up to the pleasure of staring her body even if it’s just the back. “Well, you do look good on anything you wear so even in a mere pajama, you’re canon. Plus, with the apron – just cute.”

“Thank you.”

“The way your body shifts – even if they are just small movements – is so inviting. Your hands that deal with the cooking tools are so graceful, soft, that I just want them to touch only me. And I’m might be getting jealous over knives and frying pans.” He said teasingly as he remembered how those fingers touched his body and left it flaming all over five days ago.

Rishi’s hand slip at the comment that made her dropped the knife on the floor.

“Are you alright?” Emette jumped immediately and by the next second, he was already at her side, holding up her knife-free hand.

“I’m fine. No cuts or wounds. Just… taken aback by what you said.” She said while trying to concentrate on standing since his touch on her hand made her suddenly too weak.

“I’m sorry.” He placed his hands on her face and felt her warmth seep through his skin. “I’ll be careful with my words next time.” He added with a smile.

She felt her heart jumped for a second. That smile is so addicting. This man… she cursed knowing how effortlessly he can bring turmoil to her body and make her excited just by words.

“The pot will burn.” She reminded herself loudly that made him release her hand. “Five more minutes and they are done.”

“Okay.” He happily replied and gave her cheek a small peck.

The He And The She (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now