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“Also I thought,” The woman continued. “That you’re in the age of meeting a woman already.” She giggled at the thought of it.

Two rounds, was it? Rishi, with great pride of her memory, for the first time, doubted her ability. She feels exhausted – more exhausted than playing tennis for four straight hours. She can even feel the pain on her bottom but it made her remember every detail of Emette’s magic on her body. Her heart smiled and so did her face while gushes of red became visible.

“You okay?” Emette’s worried face appeared in front of her and his hands touched her face to confirm he could feel her warmth. That everything was real. “Still hurts?”

He felt a little guilty. He enjoyed their love making too much that they had done it twice in Rishi’s first time. But he didn’t regret it fully. He loves this girl and how he had imagined to be connected to her for so long made his emotions to go wild during the act. He’s willing to take responsibility of her and take care of her for life so there’s really no reason to back down. Their student-teacher relationship didn’t even help to give him the hesitation at all.

“Well, it hurts but I’ll be fine.” She responded while playing with the man’s hair, lying next to her.

“Really?” his face lit up. “Then can I have another round?” He teased even though he knew what her answer is going to be.

“Even if how I’d love to go with that plan, we have school tomorrow.”

Emette ticked his tongue to the thought that they still have school tomorrow and that he has to be careful of his feelings towards her when they are at the said area. How to do that is his problem. How can he ignore this girl now after that heavenly connection they did just a while ago?

“Guess I’ll just have to wait for Friday.” He said under his disappointing voice and gave the girl’s forehead a soft kiss and moved from the bed. “Pyjama, put them on.”

He picked his thrown bathrobe and put them on then pick up Rishi’s clothes and gave them to the girl. He looked over the nearest watch to see it says 1:09 AM. It’ll be a long way to get into his house but he has no choice but to go home. Being with her any longer would only end up into another round of heated connection and that’s something they couldn’t risk at all because they have things to do tomorrow.

Rishi also jumped out of her bed and started dressing up, trying to ignore the small pain that she feels between her thighs. Emette came back to the room as soon as he had gotten his polo and pants that he should be wearing and started changing into them.

Rishi gazed on the body that started to dress up, feeling disappointed that those muscles will once again be hidden from her sight.

“Get a good sleep. Don’t push yourself to go to school if you can’t, okay?” Again, he gave her another kiss on her forehead as his reminder.

Her forehead must be his favorite spot. He can’t help but fight over himself on when to kiss it every time.

“I’m not that weak. And plus, I won’t be able to see you if I won’t go.”

Those simple words reached his heart and groaned internally. “Man, I want to hold you again.”

As much as both want the same thing, now is not that right time. Knowing this fact, Emette moved his feet and gave the girl a deep kiss before leaving.

When footsteps were no longer heard, Rishi went back to her room, back to her bed. Emette’s scent still lingers around her room and buried well into her blanket and pillow. The sting she feels bellow her made her remember every bits of memory she had from their contact. She smiled in response to the memories and it took a lot of time to vanish.

The He And The She (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now