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“It’s like, when you’re around, I don’t care if I’m a teacher anymore. I just want you close to me. I just want you to always be in my sight, in my arms, my side.” - Emette

“Be careful on your way home.” Emette said as he settled down his things on his desk while Rishi helped.

“You too.” Rishi placed the last documents near the ones he just placed which made their skins touch each other.

She stopped and remained in that stance which made both skins stayed connected as they are. She felt heat rise to her head, to her face, and wishing he’s not noticing anything.

Emette could have sworn that was the last thing he wanted to happen. Being near her is already hard enough but touching skins is beyond his control and is another story.

He felt his heart’s beating paced up. Heat rose up to his head and almost being aware of his mind, being clouded.

‘This is bad.’ – is something he should have told himself before he even made the next move which he’ll surely regret later.

With his heartbeat deafening him, he grabbed Rishi’s nearest hand and dragged her back to the Science room in a fast pace. When they arrived, he immediately pulled Rishi inside and locked the door behind. The moment he finally saw Rishi’s face, which is full of confusion, he wondered how this girl can still be beautiful despite with her crossing brows.

Rishi’s confused but damn, she can already hear her heartbeat clearly and thanks to that fast-paced walk, it’s even faster than familiar. Confusion tuned into surprise when a hand touched her face. But the reaction didn’t stop Emette at all.

“Sorry but slap or punch me later.” Emette said in a husky voice, enough for Rishi to notice what he’ll do next.

His lips brushed over hers for a second then parted with a few millimeters in between which noted the hesitation on which he’s about to do. But no matter how his conscious self debates, it didn’t stop him from covering her lips with his.

At first he was like hungry. He was seeking flavor and drowning to the softness of the body part. But after a few seconds his pace shifted from furious to passionate.

Rishi felt every part of her body tingled.

Shocked at first, she finally grasped the situation and eventually opened up, giving in to the urge of kissing him back. She voluntarily removed her right hand on his grip and circled both arms around Emette’s neck, pulling him closer to her side that issued more force on the kiss. Emette’s hands worked their way around Rishi’s waist to lock her body to his – close enough to let her know that his bottom is starting to take shape.

The unfamiliar feeling that bumped on her lower parts made her realize where this is going. It made her blush more shades than having a fever. More were shown as Emette’s tongue found its way inside her mouth, exploring every corner as it could, tasting the sweetness of the girl he had been longing. She, with the personality that doesn’t want to lose into almost everything, did the same. Their tongues intertwined that made Emette release a groan under his breath.

Emette’s eyes turned darker as passion and desire mixed together inside his head and flowed throughout his body. Fighting against them, his conscious mind reminded him that he’s a teacher, she’s a student and they are both inside the school grounds which is dangerous. But that didn’t even do anything as his hands went under Rishi’s top uniform. More fire was lit when he heard her moan.

Realizing what she just did, she forced to end the kiss to cover her mouth with both hands. While they were kissing, different kinds of emotion piled up and unfamiliar ones surfaced. Her body also had been moving on its own as they continued. And worse – Emette continues to kiss her elsewhere – neck, earlobes, chest, nearing her breasts – as he unbuttoned her top three, his lips reached lower. He doesn’t even know why he only undid the top three.

The He And The She (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora