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“Dad, can you fly me to him?” Rishi pleaded while looking ahead, picturing Emette’s face over his visible silhouette.

Rishi watched her reflection through the huge mirror in front of her. She feels uncomfortable because of her hair tied up to her head into a bun with a flower tiara covered by beads and gems that she didn’t know ever existed. A lot of small clips and pins worked together just to gather all of her hair in one place. Around her bun, a lot of other small ornaments and head dresses surrounded it. And a pure white silk topped on her head like it was meant to be there. She looked fantastic but her brows tell that she’s not a fan of it.

“Is it really that bad to just let my hair down instead?” Rishi asked to the woman, whose name tag reads Alice, for the third time while touching the silk cloth hung over her head.

Alice stopped tidying Rishi’s dress that travels down to the ground, covering everything in its small circumference. All the cloth around Rishi covered her like she’s a breakable thing. She was like a white rose with every frill on her dress and she’s even impressed that she could look like this in her whole life.

She looked back on the mirror and smiled at her reflection. Alice did a great job with her preparation especially when she worked on everything alone.

“Your veil might fall off without something for it to hold on to.” Alice said after looking at Rishi’s reflection in the mirror as well. Her eyes show she’s feeling satisfied by her work.

“How about we convert this thing into a headband?” Rishi struggled to reach for her bun but her off-shoulder dress is making it hard for her. “Or maybe just remove it.”

“Removing it is not an option, ma’am.” Alice retouched Rishi’s upper part, taking away those unneeded lines on her shoulders.

Rishi sighed.

“I can’t believe you can do that on your wedding day!”

Someone at the door said while crossing her arms in front. Rishi and Alice’s heads turned immediately.

“Grace! Thank God you’re here!” Rishi’s face lightened as she ran towards her friend that she hadn’t seen for the longest time.

Grace Sleak, now a Jordan, her college tennis club’s captain before and now her bride’s maid, is now a woman with long hair. Her dress fits her strong image as a woman who can drive anybody around. She felt proud by the design she had chosen for her friend. The theme color helped Grace beam her dark blue eyes. Rishi looked a little jealous for Grace was allowed to lay her hair untangled.

Grace was married to Lavy Jordan, the male’s tennis team’s captain during their time, two years after they have graduated. Ever since that day, they never saw or communicated each other. Not that Rishi really did have any contact information of the woman. But it seems Grace did her homework and had constant contact with Emette through e-mail if he’s not busy with a project.

“Scared to death?” Grace teased, while she arranged her junior’s flower tiara.

“I’m too excited that I’m shaking! I wonder if I can walk normally later.” Rishi said while panicking and wondering what to do to make herself busy before her big day starts.

Grace laughed. “Emette’s anxious too. You have no idea how many times he had asked me if you’re already set. If you’re that excited, don’t sigh, okay? This is your big day after all.” She held her junior’s hand and guided her back to the huge mirror.

“I know I shouldn’t but I’m really feeling uncomfortable right now. I mean, this kind of hairstyle’s making my head heavy and the dress is… it’s making walking hard.” Rishi stated each complaint while touching the parts mentioned.

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