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“Rishi.” He called her name under his breath.

Emette slump his body on his chair, eyes closed. His relief went out of his mouth after the meeting ended. He somehow delivered his thoughts concerning the project implementation well enough. Good thing Kerchen didn’t ask that much deeper since he really had nothing prepared. Who could in an hour anyway? And with all these things running in his head?

“Can’t believe you had those in mind, Emette.” Chris stepped beside him. Emette peeked under his eyelids to see the man. “Your suggestions were quite impressive.” Chris added.

Emette straightened his back and stared at the documents that he was holding throughout the meeting. “Thanks. Can’t believe that I could manage despite your mouth either.”

“Haha!” Chris let out a laugh. “I’m so sorry about that but man, you really are funny. I was just testing how far your temper would go for Rishi. But aren’t you a little obsessed with being a good man to other people’s eyes?” Chris shuffled Emette’s hair. “You did great. I hope Kerchen will acknowledge that.”

Chris left Emette and so did the other Whites take their exits.

Emette rested his back again in his chair and played with the swivels. He felt so tired to even walk back to his apartment.

The meeting ended at exactly five, their usual dismissal. They took breaks in between switch of topics for a coffee. But this time, the coffee didn’t even help him with all the things swirling in his head. He needs some good rest but he needs to talk to Rishi first.

“Good work, Professor Emette Romerole.”

A voice made his eyes open. It was Kerchen. They seldom talk so it’s natural he can’t recognize the woman’s voice. Or he just wanted to forget the voice that shooed him away ten years ago.

Emette straightened his back again and stood. For him, it was his sign of respect. Not that he don’t respect Chris but Kerchen’s a different issue.

“Thank you.” He started. “Although I’m sure it didn’t do that much. I honestly haven’t digested all of the written information yet but I’m pretty impressed so far. As expected.” He added while waving the papers in his hands to indicate Kerchen’s implementation proposal.

“Thanks but I still think your ideas are fine. I’ll see to your details soon.”

Emette only stared as the woman went out of the hall, ignoring the fact that Kerchen just suddenly talked to him. ‘But I guess it can’t be helped when we are on the same project.’ He told himself.

Finally, alone. Peace and quiet. He sat back again and went back to his documents. He might need to read everything again to create some details for his suggestions. But the door opened that destroyed his concentration. He turned to the door with a pissed face but his expression changed immediately after seeing the woman he wanted to talk entered.

“Have you seen mom?” Rishi asked as she walks her way towards him.

Emette’s eyes traveled from her face, to her chest and thighs. And when she was on a good chat-distance, he caught her eyes. He swallowed before answering. He can’t totally suppress the woman’s effect on him.  “She went out a minute ago.”

“I see. I guess I’ll just visit her after dinner.” Rishi said then took her notebook from her case and wrote down a memo.

It’s because Emette’s sitting, his eyesight landed on her legs. ‘God, how can she show so much skin in front of men like this?’ He internally asked. He could feel his body react to the sight of her flesh. To think that the other guys would be feeling this way when they see her pissed him more. He forced his eyes on his documents.

The He And The She (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now