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‘Ten years, my ass. Moved on, my ass. Forgotten, my ass.’ He cursed himself and threw away his thoughts of holding back.

Rishi let out a sigh. Twice. She’s hesitating. ‘Open the goddamn door, Rishi.’ She scolded in her mind. And when she’s about to reach the door knob, someone spoke.

“Good morning Ms. Domnast.”

She turned. She gave a sly smile towards Richard Steel, one of her teammates in the project. “Good morning.” She managed to voice out.

Her eyes widened when she noticed the figure behind the 52-year old scientist. But she blinked the surprise and only nodded towards Emette’s direction.

“Were you sighing? Did something happen?” Richard’s voice brought her attention back to the older man.

Rishi can understand Richard’s concern for her. She had worked with him in two projects before so she was a little familiar with him. But she prefers not to mingle with the others. The project usually only lasts for three months as said in the contracts. So she doesn’t like getting close to anyone knowing they will just separate when the project’s over. She doesn’t want to feel that same feeling again.

“Nothing. No problems. Just gathering myself before entering.” Rishi managed to answer coolly.

When they were inside, Emette noticed Rishi getting the seat across the people who came in before them. He wanted to sit next to Richard to gather more information about the new Rishi but by the looks of the oldies and their conversation, he might get out of place. So he took a seat next to the woman who hasn’t left his mind since he saw her this morning.

“You don’t mingle that much, do you?” He asked without looking at her. He refused to look at her knowing what her presence can do to him. Just sitting beside her made his heart to pump, feeling alive again.

“I can’t get a hold of their conversation. It’s a pain.” Rishi replied flatly.

Emette wanted to dig out his eyes for it doesn’t comply with his wants. He looked at her. No matter where his eyes landed, she has changed. He stared at her and took the chance to study her face up close. Her brows are already shaped into perfection that suited her eyes. Her lids, curled to satisfaction to emphasize her gaze. At least, her eyes looks the same but a little different. He can no longer see the confidence that it had once.

“You’re creeping me out.” Rishi stopped his thoughts.

“Sorry.” Emette straightened his back and turned his head to the opposite direction in response. ‘Was I too obvious?’ He asked himself but everything went down his mind when Stella Astra, their team leader, entered the meeting room and they had started.

Rishi can’t concentrate. She can still feel Emette’s eyes on her. But when she tried to look at him through the corners of her eyes, he’s listening attentively to Stella. She gripped her lab gown to stop her body from reacting. ‘It was a damn good ten years already, so stop acting like you’re eighteen again.’ She told herself.

But everything is like a trap. ‘How can this guy act normally while sitting next to me? He even dares to stare at me. Does this mean he had already moved on? That I’m just one of those women other men see?’ She wasn’t able to get a hold of any information from the meeting just because he’s right next to her. Damn her body. Damn her heart. Ten years didn’t do that much at all.

She was thankful that the meeting adjourned. She took her things in a swift motion and dragged her feet out of the room. She needs to see her mother. She needs her mother to remind her to stop being like a child like she was before.

Emette settled in his seat and exhaled once the meeting ended. It was suffocating. He can’t stop his eyes from exploring the woman he had never thought that would still affect him all this time. But when she exited the room hurriedly, his heart gained hope. It would only mean that she’s being affected by his presence too. But he also can’t deny the fact that she might have moved on or worse – she might already have a boyfriend, a husband or a family. That’s enough reason for her to avoid him. He was her past and she wouldn’t want to get entangled with him again.

He gritted his teeth. He doesn’t want to imagine Rishi having another lover, having another guy touch her. He doesn’t want anyone else near her except him. His mind was filled with rage the moment he thought of Rishi in another guy’s arms. ‘Ten years, my ass. Moved on, my ass. Forgotten, my ass.’ He cursed himself and threw away his thoughts of holding back.

He still has feelings for her. It’s there and he can’t ignore it. To think that the barrier he had set up against women – against Rishi Domnast – would crumble just on the day they meet again was unbelievable.

With that decision in mind, he left and went to the main hall to see the project plan that Stella was talking about earlier. He wanted to distract himself first and concentrate on the project that he had gotten himself into. He might not have concentrated enough during the project introduction and the team meeting but his attention was brought to the subject when he heard Photons will be the main element of the project. It’ll be useful to his own research as well.

The plan’s hanging on the wall and they said there’s also a soft copy of the proposed Photons and other molecules’ ratio that will be used to activate the main engine. He’d like to secure all ratio information if he can. That’s going to be a talk with the project’s manager, Kerchen Mae Domnast. And maybe he could insert a talk about Rishi and see her reaction to that.

It’s not really for revenge. He just decided to take back what was his in the first place. He loves Rishi and nothing changed at all. Separating them was useless from the beginning. Even if she had changed a lot, his eyes stick to her. His heart felt alive again after ten years. And he won’t let anything, anyone get in his way this time.


I know I have been updating this story slow or rather once a week now compared to my daily updates before but please understand that things are getting bussier now on my side so it's a little hard to write and edit at the same time while having school.

Anyway, I present to you chapter 28! Emette's mind is now decided to take back what was his! Join his force in this mission, everyone!

PS: I won't be detailed when it comes to their research so don't worry about that. My knowledge in science is not that reliable anyway, Hahahaha

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