Chapter 25: Face to Face with Anti-Cursor

Start from the beginning

'We know everything about you. I only got you here. That dog which you wanted to save was nothing but my ploy.'

Dog turned into a cloud of black-colored particles then disappeared.

'But how do you know me and what do you want?'

'I have been tracking you for the last several months.'

'Why? I have nothing to do with you.'

'Ryan.. you have a lot to do with me. Mr. Awasthy, Ms. Susan, your fiance Megan all have cheated me..not only once but twice ..first when I was born and again when I asked Mr. Awasthy to upgrade me.'

'But.. what this has to do with the entire human race..'

'Because all of you.. entire mankind is like that... When Susan got to know about me she threw me into a dustbin. Let me ask you one question... Do you ever throw your child if you did not plan for it?'

Ryan looked down and tried scratching his head but there he could not reach his fingers in bulky spacesuits. He put off the headgear by his sides and replied,

'I understand but revenge is neither good policy nor a feasible one.'

'Since then I have been looking for ways to come back and teach you and your people a lesson.'

'Ok but why did you cause the anomaly in Aurora.'

'That's also something tried by me to contact other members Aliens of Proxima Centauri. I tried to use the magnificent and bright auroras on earth for conveying signals to other planets beyond your solar system.'

Ryan raised his eyebrows in appreciation. Ryan's iWatch vibrated and Ryan tried to have a glance to read the notification. It was nothing but Chris asking him to plug his USB into the spaceship.

'Don't be clever I very well know you and your good friend Chris the Cursor. I need access to the GRIID. After that I and my Maljens can rule over the world.'

'Well... that is not in my hands.'

'Ryan you are useless then, be ready to be finished with your friend Chris or whatever you call that scoundrel.'

A ray beams up and iWatch dropped off the wrist of Ryan. Ryan went back and tried to hide behind the wall but a ray hurled upon him. Ryan pushed his feet ahead to get hold of his iWatch.

Don't do any stupidity Ryan said the Anti-Cursor. Ryan did not give it any heed.

The monitor screen used by Anti-Cursor to talk to Ryan went blank. The inside environment in front of the spaceship got charged up. Ryan saw Chris the Cursor and big black Anti-Cursor appeared from thin air and were staring at each other.

'Dear Anti-Cursor we do not have anything against you. You must conform to the BitConstitution and come back to the Cursor community. We shall arrange a new spaceship for you to go to the Aliens of Proxima Centauri.'

'There are hundreds of spaceships wandering in deep space. What I want is access to the GRIID.'

'You are not going to get it'.

'But I will take it.'

Maljens started attacking Chris with arrows. Chris saved himself by leaning sideways.

'Dear Maljens you are like our brothers. Accept the deal.'


Now it's a wrestling match between Chris the Cursor and Maljens. Chris was being attacked from all sides. Ryan takes hold of his iWatch and increases signal strength. There was a notification on iWatch- 'Ryan, try to cut the power source of the Anti-Cursor spaceship. There should be some source of power supply either solar or nuclear.'

Ryan ran out of the corridor checking on the sidewalls and on the floor if there is any opening or the chamber from where he could reach the possible energy source. A huge laser beam that turned objects into clouds of black-colored particles started following him. On its first hit Ryan's iWatch turned into a black-colored cloud.

Ryan ran across the spaceship. The laser beam came behind. Ryan followed a thick wire which was going along the roof. The laser beam again followed. Next Ryan's spacesuit was torn from ankles. Ryan thanked the Anti-Cursor for making a spacesuit look like torn jeans in line with trending fashion.

Ryan noticed that there was a chamber above the ceiling from where the wire was going inside. Maybe this was the place from where the power was coming to the Anti-Cursor spaceship. Ryan jumped up to crack the ceiling with his helmet. The laser beam followed him but missed his hands and instead hit the ceiling. A big hole was formed in the ceiling.

Anti-Cursor announced-

'Don't forget that the entire mankind is on my target especially the GRIID.' The display on the monitor changed to the video stream of the GRIID.


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