Chapter 10 - "Some people thought Hitler was pretty good looking."

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"It is only a sprain, Miss.Cinder, you should be up and running in two, three weeks at the most. Luckily you do not need a cast or a walking boot, we will have to wrap though." Dr.Griffin said closing his metal clipboard and putting his matching pen into his coat pocket. He gave me a forced smile, "The nurse will be here to wrap your ankle and give you your crutches, make sure to stay off that ankle but still stretch your ligaments gently."

"Sure, thank you Dr.Griffin and i'm sorry about what my friends did, we'll pay for the damage." I told him as he crossed the room and started for the door.

"Don't worry about it Miss.Cinder, we'd just appreciate it if they stayed away from the hospital from now on." The doctor said as he exited my room leaving me alone in the bright white chamber. I sighed as I laid down on the stiff bed, my right leg was dangling from the bed and my left was slightly propped up on a lot of pillows. The door burst open and a slightly overweight nurse entered the room pushing a cart full of instruments. They must really want us out of here considering how they usually take forever and a day for the nurses to ever get here.

"Let's get you all fixed up sweetie." The nurse said before proceeding to wrap my ankle in a burn orange bandage. "Okay, you're set to go, we've called your parents and let them know about your little accident so you're free to go."

"Thank you." I said as I hopped off the bed and wobbled slightly as I had to land on one foot. The nurse smiled before handing me matching burn orange crutches and leading me out the door.

"Your friends are outside, we had to let them hose off out back, they should be done by now though. Good luck." She told me as we got to the front desk, pointing me towards the exit door with a sympathetic smile. For some reason I got those often whenever Gus and I went out.

"Thanks for everything and again, i'm so sorry for their behavior. I really can't take them anywhere." I smiled as I passed her and made my way out of the sickly smelling hospital. The automatic doors opened for me as I got close and allowed me to see the two dripping wet idiots, they each had plastic bags which I assumed held their clothes as they had hospital gowns on.

"Ella! You broke out!" Gus yelled waving his bag around, he was dripping like literally dripping as he bounced up and down in his spot. Prriming at least had the decency to look at the ground with a sheepish smile and keep his distance from me. Good.

"You know, you were suppose to wash off and then change into the gowns." I told Gus, making sure to take a long way around him as I made my way to the car.

"Oh, that makes more sense!" Gus whispered while running a hand through his wet hair.

"I told you so!" Prriming yelled at Gus throwing his hands up in the air before following me to his fancy car.

I opened the door that Prriming stupidly left unlocked and threw myself into the backseat, my crutches following me close behind. "By the way Prriming, your car is going to have some serious water damage."

"Shit." Prriming swore as he got into the drivers seat, making a huge squishy sound as he plopped down.

"Who cares, my Gus Mobile is a thousand times better than this stupid tiny car." Gus said as he got into his seat, upset that he had been left out of the conversation.

Prriming sent a glare his way, "My 'stupid, tiny' car is worth over a thousand times more that that hippy van!".

"So, my van is vintage!" Gus cried out, crossing his arms with a pout.

"No, it's just old." Prriming said as he pulled out of the parking lot and into the dark streets.

"My van is su-NO!" Gus interrupted himself and quickly twisted his head to look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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