Look what you've done to me.

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Scene Date: May 27, 2xxx


"But ma'am--"

"Tinkerbell... You're an amazing fairy and I'm sure you'll find happiness soon but due to the many rumors going on about you and Silvermist I cannot have you take charge with the seating arrangements and things that may harm her."

"I won't do anything--"

She held her hand up to stop her apprentice from talking, she took a sharp breath before turning around to give another girl her clipboard for the event. "I just don't seem to trust you anymore, Tink." she said once again before shaking her head, following the fairy she was with.

Her cheeks puffed out, crossing her arms only to find herself hiding behind a wall as she heard familiar voices. "I don't eat blanched leaves, you know that Sil." The blonde fairy whined, placing both his hands on his lover's waist. She rolls her eyes, "but you always eat it when I make them." She retorts back, Tinkerbell's head popped up a little to see of her theory was right.

It was them.

Those two fairies who had caused such pain and such trauma that loving another fairy would be impossible in her case, all she ever wanted, all she ever dreamt of was Terrence and she had done nothing but be loyal to him.

"Yeah because you're an amazing cook." He smirks, his hands trailing towards her rear as she gave a squeal when he squeezed it. "Terrence!" Her porcelain cheeks turned the brightest of red, Tinkerbell had to look away to ease the beating in her heart and the clenching of her fists. "Ah! The lovely couple!" Fairy Mary popped out from one of the hallways, a clip board in her hands. "I assume you're here to know of the tables you will be in?" The two lovers nodded, squeezing each other's hands.

Terrence had wriggled his eyebrows making Silvermist laugh as soon as they were guided by Fairy Mary to a table near Queen Flarion and the other head fairies. The head of the tinker fairies, looked at the two by the corner of her eyes. It reminded her of what she had when she was young and in love.

"Where would... Umm... Tink sit?" The bluenette's question shocked both Terrence and Fairy Mary, she turned her head back after motioning to the two's table. "Tinkerbell's?" She ran a hand through her brown hair, the blonde fairy held on to the pillar, her hand falling down to her sides. "Well, she'll be sitting with the other Tinkers. That's how it is." She tapped her fingers onto her clipboard, sighing.

"You've got nothing to be guilty of, Silvermist."

She parted her lips to speak, only to close them again as Terrence placed his hand on her waist. "Love's a painful thing, she just had to learn it that way."

Tinkerbell glued her eyes at the wooden flooring, biting her cheek. "You're wrong Terrence, because I'm not going to be the one learning from love." Her voice dipped in anger, the beautiful and ditsy tinker was gone. Consumed with her own realization of what love should be, people around her can only hope for nothing but herself to save her.

Loving You, Would be my DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now