Love Me Like You Do.

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Scene Date: May 28, 2xxx


He's been distant.

Too distant.

"Terrence, do you wanna go out for a walk? I really wanna show you this new trick I made." I said ecstatically, placing both my hands behind my back. He shook his head, still laying on my bed, he just came a few minutes ago. I nodded understandingly, our houses are really far. He must be tired, I thought.

I smiled a little, lying next to him as I wrapped my arms around his waist only to feel a bang of rejection as he unlatched my arm from him like I had something dirty on me. I furrowed my eyebrows, chuckling a little. "I took a shower, Terrence. I'm as clean as a fairy can be."

He didn't say anything, nor did he look back at me. He gave an annoyed sigh, "I know, you can show me how to differentiate pixie dust." I suggested, tapping his shoulder. He waved me off like some annoying toddler. "I don't want to go anywhere." He replies causing me to grow a little impatient with him as I noticed he was towards me.

"Then, cook with me?" I said, getting off the bed. I flapped my wings, stretching them out a bit. "No, I hate your cooking." I stopped my routine, frozen and unsure if this was the same person who complimented me about my soup yesterday. "But you love my cooking." I made him remember, he would always proclaim that.

"Well I guess it's about time you know the truth is that I hate it. I hate your cooking, I hate your fucking blanched leaves and I hate it here." He said, agitated of my attempts of having a fun day. "Then what the fuck are you doing here?" He held a smirk, unlike before he wasn't teasing me at all.

"I was looking for a quick--"

His head turned to the side. His cheek turned red, as my hand left a mark. "A quick fuck? Is that what you're going to say?" I bit my lip, the tears were already falling. "You're crying already? That quick?! Jesus, Silvermist!" He said, walking around me towards the door. "That's the only fucking thing you can do right with your life and that's to cry! You're so pathetic!"

My head hung low, staggering backwards as my back hit a wall. My heart jumped as he slammed the door shut. I chuckled sadly, descending into loud sobs as the painful truth hit me all in all not realizing it would come from him.


Scene Date: May 31, 2xxx


It was Queen Flarion's Birthday. It's been 3 days since I've spoken to Terrence and every time our eyes would find each other's he would be the first one to break contact.

"You look stunning!" Gem exclaimed, she was breathtaking. Her beauty was effortless, it came naturally. I gave her a sweet smile, about to take a seat. "Um, that's not your seat." I looked up, and there she was in a beautiful green dress. Her blonde hair in a bun with some loose strands that framed her face. "But, Fairy Mary said this was where Terrence and I sit."

I looked around for fairy Mary, unfortunately she must be tending to other things. She looked at me with a grin but her eyes held a sadistic glare. "And where's Terrence? Is he with you?" I looked back at the plate that was laid beautifully in front of Terrence's seat where his name was. "He's just running late." I mumbled, taking a seat and ending the conversation with her.

Two hours later there was still no sign of him anywhere. My whole excitement and energy, dissolved into thin air. Was he still angry?

"Sil, what's wrong? You're shaking the whole room with your leg!" Vidia chuckled, taking a drink of her cranberry juice that was freshly squeezed. I gave her a small smile, looking around one more time. "It's just, Terrence is running a bit late and I'm worried."

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