And if You Ask me if I Love Him, I'd Lie.

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Scene Date: April 19, 2xxx

The blonde tinker walked lazily to her station. Her day would be jam packed but luckily she would meet with her beloved at Pixie Hollow soon after. "Tink...! Wake up!" One of her co workers flapped their wings at her grudging yet blushing face. "U-Uh...? Oh! Sorry!" She smiled then started working.


Scene Date: April 19, 2xxx

The dust boy scooped up his last delivery to both the Tinkers and the Water fairies. "Hey Todd! I'm off!" He yelled out at his higher up. Todd just waved after he shuffled the order document in his hand.

"Todd!" The leader of the senior dusters, jumped in his spot. Making the files in his hands jump up and spread in the air, slowly descending. "Y-Yes S-Sir...?" He stuttered bending down to pick up the paper as the footsteps of the head came in. "Where's Terrence?" He asked looking around instead of helping the boy in front of him who was struggling to get one piece of paper that was under him, Colonel Dust.

"H-He's off to f-finish his last two jobs of the day." Todd Timblewack stood up leaving the paper under his boss' foot. Since there was no point, it was just a logging sheet of the people Terrence would be giving some dust to.

"Ah! Oh well then! Next time you see him, tell him to come to my office." His long white up-to-his belly mustache, swayed side by side as he walked away from the now relaxed Timblewack.

The brunette boy sighed and sat down on his desk. "I wonder what he needs..."


"Hey Tink~" his voice echoed through her ears, tickling her in any possible way. "Hey Terrence!" She smiles going in for a hug, only to be declined by the teen. "Woah! Ahahaha!" He jokes around playing with her arms. "I missed you." Tinkerbell smiled taking her arms from his grip and rubbing her elbows.

"I know." He smirked sitting on her table, "I missed you too..." He mutters smiling brightly at her making her cheeks turn to a light shade of red. "So... What brings my boyfriend here?" She asked going in between his thighs, inches apart. She was leaning in. She was trying to kiss him.

His eyes widened at her reactions, "I-I Uhhh...." He raised the bag in front of tink's face to prevent a kiss from being created. "Pixie dust...?!" He offered, dropping the bag in her hands making her pout. "Is that the only thing you needed?" She asked putting the bag down and going back to her usual position.

"S-Since... We've declared already..." She muttered staring at his lips, Terrence started to sweat.

No. I don't want to be her first kiss. I don't want to be. Not until I've figured out my feelings. Not like this.

"Y-Yes...?" She leaned in a little more, showing a small amount of her cleavage through her green, leaf above-the-knee dress. He swallowed air from the sight, tracing back to her slender neck as her head was tilted to the side. "C-Can we kiss...?" She asked being her lip seductively inching closer.

Her lips moved closer to his only by a millimeter space now, he closed his eyes silently wanting those untouched lips to touch his tainted ones.

Once Tinkerbell almost closed the gap. "U-Uh sorry!" A light sweet voice was heard from the door way as the two parted from each other in shock causing Terrence to fall on his backside and the blonde tinker to blush madly.

The owner of that apologetic voice descended down the stairs, "H-Hold it! It wasn't what it looks like!" He yelled running after to that person, her hair whipping side by side as she ran.

She laughed bitterly. "That was embarassing!" She didn't stop though, she kept on running and running until a river came in front of her. She turned around to face him.

"I-I w-was not planning to--"

"Hahaha... Why are you telling me this...? You should give this excuse-- I-I uhh mean explanation to Tink... Since she's your girlfriend and all..." She winked, blinking away a tear. "Plus... I should be the one apologizing... Since I disturbed you both..." she turned around and set off to fly back to where she came from.

"I guess I wasn't needed." She muttered wiping her eyes and not looking back at Terrence leaving him standing there.

"I can't do anything right... Can I, Silver...?" He mumbles walking back inside to meet a furious Fairy.

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