I'm not Made of Steel

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Scene Date: April 14, 2xxx

His face flustered after changing the blunette's clothes. He grunted after placing her clothing from before in the clothes' bin.

The blonde boy stood there, his shadow casting over Silvermist's frail, feverish body. Her forehead was covered with a cold damp leaf which would probably be lukewarm now since she really was sick.

"Mmm... Ngh..." She moaned and groaned as she felt the weight of her body stuck to Terrence's bed. He rushed to her aid quickly, "Sil, if I were you, you should just stay the night." She opened her eyes half way but closing them back as the light had just burnt her eyeballs.


Where's Tink?

Don't you guys live together now?

Why isn't she here with you, scolding you about bringing a girl home?

Especially that it's her bestfriend you're nursing around?

"Tink?" He shook his head as if there was a fly in the way, "why would Tink be here?"

Why wouldn't she?

The water fairy didn't say a word after. "..." So did Terrence. As if he knew what she thought.

She must be wondering that since Tink and I have declared, we would be living together by now... But we're not. Just because I declared doesn't mean I want her to live here immediately.

"T-Terrence... I-I'm t-thirsty..." She said attempting to get out of bed, but she was forcefully yet carefully pushed down by the boy in front of her. "Oof!" She said.

"I'll get it for you!" He smiled brightly flying to the kitchen.

Silvermist giggled but frown upon a thought.

He must be like that when Tink gets sick...

Soon he came back with a small acorn bowl filled with water. He handed the bowl to her, their hands slightly brushed against each other making both parties blush and turn away.

"A-Ahh... T-Thanks..." She stuttered closing her eyes in failure of speaking before drinking. "T-That's okay..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

- ~ - ~ -

Scene date: April 17, 2xxx

"I don't know man... There's something about her I just can't explain... There's something about her I can't resist..." Terrence told his trustful friend Michael from the wind fairies over a drink of berry water. It was a mixture between fresh pulped berries and water in other words wine. It had been 3 days since Silvermist had gotten sick.

They haven't talked ever since, because both their jobs were distant from each other's. They'll see each other every now and then but neither would say thanks or talk about what happened.

"And you're positive it's just a crush?" The wind fairy raised his eyebrow while asking this compulsory question to his blonde friend. Terrence closed his eyes, then combed his fingers through his hair. "It's too soon to say that I've fallen in love with her..."

"Too soon? Mate, you declared to someone else!" Michael was a friend of the person they were talking about. She was the wind fairy's first friend, they treated each other like brother and sister.

"Don't you think I know that, Chael?!" He exclaimed, pulling his hair.

(a/n: 'Chael' is pronounced as 'Kel')

The violet haired, Australian voiced fairy looked down at his troubled friend. "Dude... Which are you going to pick? Silvermist or Tinkerbell...?" He said subtly rubbing Terrence's back.

"I-I can't decide!" He yelled throwing his bowl against a stone wall, breaking it. His cheeks turned shiny as slow warm tears fell. "I love her man!" He yelled. It was now a mixture of emotions and alcohol. But the wind fairy knows his friends true feelings. When you're drunk you most likely say something true.

Michael stood there in awe at how his friend took this situation. He really cared for her. "I like her... A lot... That sometimes I would just move Tink aside and grab her by her waist and tell her how much I love her." He said sliding down the smooth surface of the stone wall.

"I kissed her man! I kissed her!" He confessed sobbing like a child. "W-What?!" Michael walked to him. "When?" He crouched down to meet his level, to meet his crying bestfriend.

Terrence eyes averted to Michael's then to the space, staring off.


The blue haired fairy laid there, her hands clasped together as her body faced the side. Terrence now had a full view of her face. Her porcelain like face to her blue eyes, down to her fragile figure. His eyes then fell on her bare shoulders as his shirt was too big on her.

She snored softly not even hearing it at all when near nor far. Terrence's back faced the edge of the bed. Silvermist's eyes closed minutes after Terrence gave her some medicine. He looked at her deeply. Strands of her blue hair falling to her nose making her shake her nose like a cute rabbit. Her pink, soft lips tempting him to place his on hers.

But that would be wrong.

She moaned, shifting a little to the edge. He placed the blanket on her again. It was still raining so it was already cold.

Terrence wasn't a one for wearing long pants to bed, he only had some shorts. That's what she was wearing now, an oversized, off shoulder, blue shirt and green shorts. Showing her long smooth legs, hidden underneath his blanket.

His bed would surely have the mixture of his and her scent since it was his bed.

The dust fairy looked back at her face, pushing pack the strands behind her ear, caressing her cheeks making her smile unconsciously. "Mmmm... Terrence..." She sleep talked inching a little closer to him unawarely.

"You're tempting me..." He whispered kissing her forehead.


He then kissed her cheeks.


He then rubbed his nose against hers, not having a care in the world.


He then caressed her cheeks once more and placed his lips against her soft ones, lasting for a few seconds closing the gap between them.


His eyes widened as he pulled away, falling on the floor. Silvermist shifted slightly but soon again fell asleep not noticing the panicking boy on the floor.


Michael's eyes softened. "What have you gone into...?" He chuckled sitting next to Terrence staring off into space.

"I don't know... Which to pick... The girl who owns my heart...? Or the girl of everyone's eyes...?" He said confusingly, looking up leaning his head on the stone wall.

"Follow your heart man." Michael said cheesily.

Loving You, Would be my DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now