There's Nothing like Us.

410 9 6

Scene Date: May 13, 2xxx


"Why are you here?" The purple haired girl said with her nose scrunched up as she smelt alcohol from where she was standing.

And it was a good 7 feet away from the Tinker. Her hair was a mess, her eyes bloodshot and she was swaying from side to side. Obviously the liquor took one big swing at her and she's trying to regain her balance.

"Can't I come and visit my good ol' friend?" The blond fairy slurred, slinging an arm over her shoulders. "For Fuck's sake, Tinkerbell!" Vidia yells pushing her body away from her. "You're drunk off your ass and you're stepping over private property."

"Psh! Property my ass!" She scowls and points a finger at the tornado fairy, "Wanna know who else doesn't give a flying dust about property?" Vidia waited for an answer, her hands on her hips taking in her frenemy's weak and vulnerable state.

"That stupid, water fairy!" She laughs and downs another of berry juice. "Silvermist?" She asked which made Tinkerbell cringe. "That bitch!" She laughs smashing the bottle against the cement ground of Vidia's house.

She giggles and sits on the ground, aware of the shards around her. "She took him from me..." She began. "And as their lips molded with one another, it's like she sucked the life out of me. I had no reason to live after what had happened between them..."

The tornado fairy looked sympathetic as she stood in front of Tinkerbell, squatting to level her. "There are other fairies in the world Tink... More than you can imagine..." She smiles warmly, different than her usual sarcastic smirks. "Think of all the times Silvermist has suffered... You've known Terrence for as long as anyone can remember and she's been having these feelings as soon as they laid eyes on each other... But she kept all that a secret... For you..."

Tinkerbell pushed Vidia away from her, her palms landing on the glass around her. "Argh!" She flinched, but Tinkerbell didn't care as she paced from side to side.

"I wish she could have kept it to herself until she died!" The purple haired girl stood up, it was no use convincing the Tinker. She stormed back into her house, bumping the blonde's shoulder. "And I wish you could stop thinking about yourself for once! They're in love, Tink! Live with it!"


His soft arms wrapped around her like a child to a Christmas present, he nuzzled his face onto her neck which made her giggle in delight. "Come back to bed with me..." He groans and tickles her neck, by breathing his hot breathe on her sensitive skin.

"We have work to do, remember?" She giggles, spinning around and wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning in for a kiss.

He pouts before she gives him a quick smack on the lips, "But I don't wanna go to work!" He says in a childish voice that made her pinch his cheeks.

"Awwww... But baby, we have to." She rubs her nose against his as he locked his hands at the bottom of her ass, her eyes widened as he wriggles his eyebrows. In one quick motion, he spun her around and she squealed with glee.

After quick seconds of spinning, the blonde boy pecked her cheeks. "Mmm... Babe... You look so hot in my clothes..." He moans, nibbling on her ear.

She smirks and pulls away from his hold, regretting it but also loving her plan. "Oh really?" He tilts his head on confusion. "If that's your opinion... What do you think are the other fairy's opinion?" That sinister smirk plastered onto her face as Terrence narrowed his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare..." His voice was like a scared little boy but also a mixture of someone evil. No one has seen this boy in a mad state, and she wasn't going to find out any time sooner. Making him jealous fed her playful mind but somehow, she knew that if he did that to her she would be beyond mad.

Her stomach fluttered and she ran straight to his arms. "This girl wouldn't... Because this girl loves you, and adores you, and forever will be there for you!" His lips curved into a smile, his arms wrapped around her once more and he kissed her forehead.

"Good girl! I wouldn't want to get my knuckles dirty by punching someone." He shows off as they walk to the kitchen together.

"Uh-huh..." She acted as if she was uninterested in him being a tough guy.

He notices this and smiles, he ran quickly in front of her and gives her a kiss. She gives him one back, not hesitating.

"I love you, Silvermist." He groans, not getting enough of her kisses when she placed her small, soft hands on his cheeks when he lifted her up and sat her down on the kitchen counter top.

"I love you too, Terrence." She smiles as a tint of pink laid out on his cheeks.



QOTD: WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE FAIRY? (2 fairies if you like)


That's all, bye :)


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