Never Been Hurt.

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Scene Date: April 12, 2xxx

Silvermist sighed and flew to the nearest reliable source of water leaving Terrence where he stood. She braced herself almost nearing the face of the water creating huge splashes behind her as she wanted to do this fast, she held her hands together shaping a cup.

She bit her lip, "Almost there..." she whispered to herself. What she didn't know was that there was someone behind her. "Silver! Watch out!" she turned around but didn't have the time to move. Terrence and her luckily crashed onto a near lily pad. "Ouch!" She cried.

Though they were lucky enough to fall onto a lily pad Silvermist seemed to have broken a wing. "No! No! Oh No!" Terrence looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry Silver.... I really am..." He said calming her down. "Why?! Why do you always find ways to hurt me like this!?" he looked confusingly at her.

When she said that she meant it in a different meaning like telling him that loving him was difficult. "Huh? What are you talking about?" she was taken aback. She stood up and swam to the nearest land. "I'm going home now..." she said.

"No wait! Silver!" He flew to her and grabbed her shoulder. "You're house is too far from here." She looked around and noticed he was right. This was on the other side of the Lake. "Then where am I supposed to go? Your house?" She laughed awkwardly.

"That's not a bad idea." He said grabbing her arm and started to fly. "T-Terrence! P-Put me Down! Terrence!" He didn't listen. He was too busy laughing at her reactions.

She's cute when she's panicking, he noticed. He then shook his head after that thought trying to let it fall. I can't think about Silver like that when I just declared my love for Tink.

After gazing at the sky she looked at Terrence. I fell in love with you the moment you said my name... And I knew we just can't be friends. I tried avoiding you but you made friends with my friends so it was impossible for me to just ditch them too.

"Here we are!" It was nice and cozy where she was in. She was feeling light headed and stumbled around, she held on a table to hold herself up. "Silver?" she almost fell to the ground until Terrence held on her hips. He wrapped one arm around her and one hand to feel her temperature on her forehead. "Sil! You're burning up!" he led her to his bed and took her shoes off.

She blinked twice at him, confused before letting the darkness take her away from the light.

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