I'm just a Jealous Guy,

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Scene Date: April 19, 2xxx

Her cheeks flared, her eyes glared and her arms were crossed. In short term, she was furious.

What the hell was she doing here anyway?!

"T-Tink... A-Anything wrong...?" He asked innocently walking closer to her leaving a huge gap. She looked at Terrence. "Why'd you run after her?" She asked in all jealousy.

He should be worried about me! Me! I was Embarassed! I was seen too!

"B-Because... U-Ummm..." He bit his lip looking around desperately in order to get away from the subject. "Terrence... Terrence..." He didn't look at her.

Why did he follow Silvermist?

Did he not want her to think that they're kissing? But Tink and Terrence declared! They should be doing those things!

"Dammit Terrence, look at me!" She yelled grabbing his face by his cheeks and swiftly turning it over to her. "Is there... Anything between you and her...?" She asked. Her face no longer red, her eyes softened.

"O-Of course not!" He says confidently smiling at her. She smiles back, ignoring the feeling that he... Lies when he stutters...


This was really short, sorry :)

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