Chapter Sixteen-Professor Connors and Course Selection

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When Coulson told Peter that he passed the test, he was relieved, because that means he does not have to deal with the four people he runs in to on his birthday.

The thing is Peter did not expect to meet the four of them for a second time at all, let alone attends the same school as them. Peter's goal for himself is to associate with the four of them as less possible so that he will not expose himself. He does not want to explain anything to anyone.

This is why, when Peter was fighting Danny and Luke, he picked the ways that will end the battle the fastest, so that he can get out of that place.

Now, Peter is just hoping he did not expose himself in that second encounter.

After announcing Peter has passed the test, Coulson told Ava, Danny, Luke, and Sam that they are dismissed. Then he took Peter into one of the buildings. They went up to the top floor of the building.

Right now, the two of them are standing in front of a door with a golden sign that reads "Professor Curt Connors".

Coulson knocks on the door with his right left hand, a male voice from the inside says "Come in." Coulson does so, and he suggests Peter follow him.

The room behind the door is definitely an office, there is another door on both sides of the room.

The desk is by the window. After the man behind the desk sees Coulson, he stands up and comes around the desk to greet him.

"Good morning, Professor Coulson."

"Good morning, Professor Connors."

Author's note: This Connors is the one from Ultimate Spiderman.

Then Connors looks at Peter who is standing behind Coulson, "And who is this young man?"

Coulson takes a step to the side for Coulson to see Peter better.

"This is Mr. Peter Parker, he is a transfer student that just pass the test and is officially a student of Shield." After saying that, Coulson hands Connors the file with Peter's name on it with his right hand. "I want to assign you as his supervisor."

"I see," Connors nods, and takes the file, "that shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright then, thank you very much," Coulson says so, he then turns to Peter and says to Peter:" Mr. Parker, this is Professor Connors, he will be your student supervisor during the time you study at Shield."

Connors smiles at Peter, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker."

'He seems like a really nice person', Peter thought so to himself.

"Nice to meet you too, Professor Connors." Peter walks up to Connors, and reaches his hand out, "and 'Peter' is fine."

It took Connors a moment to actually take Peter's hand and shake it. When he does, Peter notices a strange, but not unfamiliar sensation about the hand. Therefore, he looks down, he sees a metal hand.

But Peter did not make anything out of it.

After Peter and Connors let each other's hand go. Coulson says that Connors will explain everything Peter needs to know to him. Then he left.

After Coulson left, Connors suggests Peter sit in the chair in front of his desk, Peter does so. Connors also sits back in his seats, then open Peter's file and place it in front of himself.

"I have to be honest Peter," Connors says so after skimmed through the file and closed it, " I was surprised when you did not react at all when we shook hand," Connors pulls his right sleeve up to reveal his metal prosthetic, then pulls his sleeve down, "most people can't ignore it, once they notice it"

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