Chapter one: Happy birthday!

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Peter in a thirteen years old boy who lives with his two dads in the wood.

Yes, he has two dads, one calls Stephen Laufeyson Strange the other calls Loki Strange Laufeyson. They love each other and they love Peter.

Today, like any other days, Peter gets up, get dress, then went down for breakfast. The three of them live not in a three house, but a house that is built into a huge tree.

"Good morning dad, good morning papa."

"Good morning Peter."

Loki is in his seat already, with a cup of tea in his hand. As Peter pulls out his chair and sits down, Loki puts his cup down and pours a cup of hot tea into a cup with Peter's name written on it, cool it with magic then put it in front of Peter.

"Thank you papa, "Peter says to Loki, with a smile on his face.

"You are welcome," Loki replies, also with a smile on his face.

Strange walks to the table from the kitchen, carrying three plates of food at once with magic. He puts one in front of Loki, one in front of Peter, and the last one where he is seating, right across from Loki. Then he pulls his chair out and seats down.

Peter sees that breakfast is flapjack and is happy. Because he happens to like them, and Strange makes good flapjacks.

Peter turns to Strange and says:"Thank you for making flapjack today dad." Then he picks up his fork and starts to eat because he is hungry. After finishes one flapjack, Peter notices none of his dads are eating but looking at him. He swallows his food then asks "What's the matter, why are you guys not eating?"

"Peter," Loki says," Do you remember what today is?"

Peter takes some time to think about it, but come up with nothing, therefore he shakes his head.

"Peter, today is May the 18th." Strange says, with some disbelieve in his tone.

May the 18th, May the 18th, Peter keeps repeating that date in his head. Finally, he remembers, "Today is my birthday, am I right."

Strange looks at his son, who seems to be really proud of himself. Strange lean his forehead on his hand in disbelieve. Loki instead just smiled and shook his head, then ruffles Peter's hair and says "Yes dear, today is your birthday, today is the day you turn fourteen."

Strange takes his hand off his forehead, together with Loki, says to Peter, "Happy birthday Peter"

"Thank you, dads."

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