Chapter Three: spider-sense

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Peter is outside of their house right now. He takes out a mask that can cover his entire face but has nothing to attach itself to anything out of his hustler bag. By simply putting the mask over his face, the mask stayed on. After putting on his mask, Peter starts to "run" through the wood.
The mask was given to Peter once his face grown big enough to wear it. Strange and Loki found it in the wreckage of the carriage where they found Peter. It was broken into pieces, but Strange fixed it with magic. Before given it back to Peter, Strange and Loki together enchanted the mask so that one can sense the person who is wearing the mask. Loki also made it so that the eyes on the mask would change shape according to the eyes' motion of the person underneath it because he thought it would be cute. Peter really likes the mask and would wear it often when he is out. He even figured out how to turn the mask into a night vision goggles, a binocular, and a magnifying lens with magic that is inspired by Earth technology. Strange and Loki was impressed with his creation.

         The way Peter is "running" right now is very interesting. Because he is not actually running, he is swinging.

          The thing is, when Peter is ten, he got bit by a rare kind of spider that is red and blue. Strange and Loki thought Peter would die at first. Because the venom of the spider is fatal. But instead, Peter only had a fever that lasted for two days. After the fever, Peter's body changed. He can lift a massive weight, jump high, stick to object, and can somehow shoot out web-like fluid from his wrist. But the most impressive ability he receives from the spider bit is what Strange explains as "a unique connection to the reality by energy that would act as a beacon." Now Peter can sense danger before it comes so that he can dodge it. Peter himself named the ability spider-sense after the creature that gives him his ability.

           Author's note: Sorry that this chapter is short but there will be more content coming up.

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