Chapter nine-Time to eat

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Peter stated till the four Shield student teleported away, then he runs home. The reason Peter told Ava to call him "Holland" is because he kind of looks like an actor on Earth calls Tom Holland.

Peter reaches home in ten minutes. He put his hand on the door nob to turn it open. When he opens the door, a bell that is attached to it rings.

Loki is setting the table after he hears the bell. He looks up to see that Peter is back. He smiles at him and says, "Good, you are back on time."

Peter nods, "Yep, I am back ada."
"Well," Loki says, " do clean yourself then come sit down, your dad is still in the kitchen, but we shall eat soon."

Peter obeys. He takes off his mask and put it back to his bag, then he takes his bag off of his belt and put it back by the door. He then walks into the bathroom to wash his hand and face and dry them. He also united his hair and brushes it.

Peter walks out of the bathroom. He walks over to the table and sits down. He then looks at his dad who is adjusting the silver where and says, "Ada, I might have messed up."

"Well," Loki answers but does not look up, he does not seem to be concerned, "what did you do."

"I was seen by the visitors."

Loki froze for less than one second, stops want he is doing and looks at Peter, "Speaks to me son, explain yourself."

He says it so calmly, Peter thinks to himself, as Dumbledore should have.

"While I got to the place right there were these four people that's fighting that giant Fire-Ant right I wasn't going to help them but one of them almost die so I saved her ant killed the ant......"

"Peter," Loki interrupts his son, "slow down son, punctuation was invented for a reason."

"Okay." Peter leans back into his seat.

"So, you were just saying you killed the ant?"


"Did you have your mask on the whole time?"

Peter and Loki turn to see that Strange is in an apron walking toward them as he speaks.

"Hi dad," Peter greets Strange, "and yes, I had on my mask the whole time, and I did not tell the visitors where this is."

Strange looks confuse after hearing that, "They do not know their location?"

Peter nods, "They said they are a student of Shield Academy...."

"Students?" Strange frown over the fact, "How did four wets behind ears Shield student end up here fighting the Fire-Ant?"

"Dad, let me finish." Peter protests.


"And I thought they were pretty good at what they do."

"If that is true," says Loki, "What did you have to save them."

Touch down, Peter says so in his head, even though he actually does not understand how football works, he was never much of an athlete on Earth. "I guess they just did not know how to fight a Fire-Ant. And they end up here by accident because they messed up when they were using teleportation crystal."

"Teleportation crystal?" says Strange in slight disbelieve.

"Yes, teleportation crystal."

"Which kind?" Loki asks.

"Like, the kind you say the location, then says 'teleportation start'."

After hearing that, Loki says to Strange "How is this possible."

Strange shrugs, "Humans can always surprise you with their idiocy."

Peter decides to ignore the fact his dads just called four strange idiots; he is simply glad they found each other.

"Well," Strange says to Peter, "As far as I am concerned, you did not mess up."

Loki nods in agreement, "Although you were seen by an outsider, our location was not exposed."

"Okay, thanks," Peter says so as he nods slightly.

Strange start to walk back to the kitchen, he says to Loki and Peter as he walks back to the kitchen "I shall bring out the pot roast, it is time to eat"

The lunch was great, although Peter just ate flapjack not long time ago. Due to his spider ability, his body has a high metabolism. Therefore, he was hungry the moment he smells the pot roast. Besides pot roast, Strange also made mashed potatoes and vegetables. Peter ate a lot because the food is good.

After they finish the main course, Strange brings out a birthday cake. The cake is made out of a really moist sponge, decorated with wiped-cream, berries, and chocolate shave. Peter made a wish before he blows the candle. Marvel does not have the tradition of singing "Happy birth", because this is a song from Earth. But who cares when you get to eat half of the cake by yourself since one of your parents does not like sweets.

"Thank you for cooking dad." Peter says so with a cheerful tone, "Everything tastes amazing."

"As it should be," Strange is pleased with Peter's feedback. Right now, he is drinking tea while watching Loki and Peter each eating half of the cake. This is why the radius of the cake is only 3.5 inches so that it can feed exactly two people.

When Loki is half done with his cake, he put his fork down, and says to Peter who is concentrating on his cake, "We are going out for supper tonight."

Peter swallows his cake and asks, "Where are we going?"

"Your godfather and uncle are throwing a party for you."

Author's note: Take a guess who is Peter's godfather.

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