Chapter 11: Camping trip!

Start from the beginning

"We're here!" Zuma said. Oh we've arrived! So we got everything set up like our tents and we set down our food we brought on the picnic table they had. We set up our campfire in a box kit down next to the table. After we got settled in we looked at the view. I remember that one mission we had when we had to save Ryder here, fells just like last week when this happened.

"Ok who's weady for some fishing!" Zuma asked us. Everyone, including me, said. "Me!" In unison. We got 7 fishing rods and went to the lake like 10 feet away from us, seriously 10 feet! It was a pretty big river too, enough room for us to swim in. "I'm not sure if i'm really up for this, pups." Rocky said while he got the fishing rod and backed away a bit.

All of us laughed at how silly Rocky was being. "Come on, Rocky. Water won't sting you!" Marshall informed Rocky. Rocky nodded and said. "Duh, but it will get me wet!" Rocky told us while we laughed once again. Ah, yes, i love it when we have good times like this. "You're so weird Rocky." Skye added. Rocky just laughed and agreed with Skye. "So are we fishing, or what?" Rubble impatiently asked. "Yes!" We all said as we threw the rods string towards the river.

"I'm totally going to catch before you dudes." Zuma said, obviously bragging about his water pup skills. "I bet you 5 pup treats you won't!" Rubble told Zuma. "You're so on, Wubble!" Zuma told the ex-construction pup.

Rocky pov

I'm having such a good time with my pup friends, i wish we could do this more often! I looked at the sky, not a cloud in sight! I saw several seagulls pass by, reminding me of Marshall's friend Fuzzy. "So, Rocky, are you ever going to get over your phobia of water?" Chase joked. I laughed and corrected him. "I'm not scared of water, i'm scared of getting wet. Also, i'm not planning to anytime soon. Dry land is the place i love."

The pups chuckled and then i got a bite! "Whoaa! No! I got a bite!" I told everyone. I was trying to reel it in while Skye said. "That's good, Rocky!" "Yeah, Rocky." Marshall added. I attempted to reel in again, but since i'm pretty weak, it's hard. "Chase, mind if you lead a paw?" I asked. Chase chuckled and nodded. He helped me reel in the fish but then it pulled me, and Chase! Into the water. "Yuck! Now i'm wet!" I said in disgust. Chase laughed, along with the others. "Rocky, you're so funny." Everest told me while me and Chase swam back. "Yeah, you make me look like i have good balance." Marshall said jokingly.

"Haha, every funny Marshall!" I told him. "I got a bite too!" Zuma said. He laughed because he just won 5 pup treats. "Careful, Zuma, that might be the same fish that pulled me and Chase!" I told him. Rubble punched the ground softly and said. "Darn it, i lost 5 pup treats." Zuma laughed, i did too. Food was always a big deal for Rubble, Especially pup treats. "That's what you get for gambling." Skye added while she was still looking at the lake. Ok confession time! When the Paw Patrol still existed, i liked Skye. But now i like... Everest <3. I just hope she'll like me back.

Night time...

Skye pov

I've been planning tell Chase my feelings towards him, but i just can't. I'm not sure why? My sex fantasies rate has increased so much... I can't hold it in any longer, but i just can't tell him. Lately i've been having wet dreams about me and Chase, i just hope when i tell him he'll return them back.

We gathered around the campfire, roasting our marshmallows. Then i looked at the bright white stars and the yellow glowing moon. I sighed of disappointment that i keep backing down when i was so close to telling him. Like when we went to go get sticks for the fire i nearly told him..


Me and Chase were told to get firewood, this is perfect! I can finally confess to him! We headed out to find some wood, we stayed quiet some time until Chase talked. "Are you having fun?" He asked me. I giggled and then answered his question. "Yes i am, Chase. Listen i have to tell you something...".

"What is it?" He said while looking at me. I looked around and heated up. "I'm just wondering you miss being apart of the Paw Patrol." I told him. He looked down the ground and softly said. "I do, it's place where i met my bestest friends ever, also when i m-met you." What he said at the end was what really got me, he was happy he met me?

End of flash back.

"Is something wrong, Skye?" Chase asked me. I looked back at him and just gave him smile and nodded. "Ok, who's sleeping in who's tent?" Rubble asked. "I'm sharing with Everest." Rocky said while she nodded to confirm. "I'm sharing with Zuma." Marshall stated while Zuma was too focused on his marshmallow. He only nodded and the other pups chuckled. "Alright, moving on, next tent?" Rubble asked.

Chase didn't ask me to share with him, so i guess i'm sleeping alone tonight. "Would you like to share with me, S-skye?" Chase said. I just i spoke too soon! I can't believe he's actually asking me to share with him! In the inside i was jumping and shouting, i remained calm and said. "Sure, Chase." I smiled while Rubble too smiled and then said. "Ok, i have a tent to myself!" We just laughed as a group and ate our roasted marshmallows.

After we did so we went to our tents. Rocky and Everest went to their own, Zuma and Marshall went to their own, and Rubble went to his own. Leaving me and Chase alone in the campfire. "So, Skye..." He said. "So, Chase..." I said back. He looked in to the night sky. "Beautiful night, isn't it." He looked back at me and i looked back. "Yeah, it is..."

Marshall pov
I can hear Skye and Chase talking, i wonder when my best friend will confess his feelings towards her. I heard she likes him back, i'll tell him tomorrow maybe. Well goodnight, pups.

Skye pov
Me and Chase wrapped up the night went to his... I mean our tent. What we didn't realize was we had to share the same sleeping bag. I blushed, because we would pretty much be sleeping next to each other! He got the left side, and i got the right side. I just hope i don't get a wet dream tonight, that would be embarrassing...

I just hope someday i could tell him so he can fuck me, like real hard. But it's not only that it's just he's perfect for me! Well i'm going to bed, good night pups...

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