How they would kiss you

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Lithuania - Long and sweet
This guy has gone through a lot but he still prioritize you more than his self. He would always kiss you everytime of the day.
Morning, Noon, When he gets home from work before you go to sleep.

Estonia - Slow and passionate
This guy wamts to take his time with you so he goes slow.
Make sures your comfortable about what he's about to do.
He goes to slow and sensual, the love radiatimg from the kiss.

Latvia- Short and gentle
He is the cutest bean ever (for me). He would shyly kiss you but would sometimes be brave enough if has the feeling to.
He treats you like a fragile rose or a princess for that matter.
Wanting tp remind you his great love his shating with you.

Hetalia! Baltic boyfriend scenarios!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें